Wednesday, September 6, 2023

A Working Man's Word.

 A Working Man’s Word.


Recently, Patty asked a man to come out and give us an estimate of what it would cost to have insulation blown into our attics. The guy didn’t call her back over the Labor Day weekend, and she said the holiday was probably the reason. He called her back and was supposed to be here between 4 and 6 today. He did not call or show up. We won’t use him now at all. Meanwhile, a lady from East Texas set up an appointment for 9 a.m. this Saturday. To me, if a man—or anyone—says they will be here, that person should keep the appointment or at least call and say why it can’t happen. If a job is worth doing, it is worth doing right—and if a time is set, keep the freaking appointment! Lewis never wanted to be late anywhere. If we had to be late to somewhere we absolutely had to go, we called ahead or let the person know we were not going to make it. My parents were the same way. It is an ingrained habit in our family. Not doing what you say you will do is the same thing as lying. Just my opinion.


Jennifer said they got just a dab of rain. That’s more than this hill has seen. And the heat has been plum discouraging! Actually, think WF has taken the record for heat this week. Even Death Valley was not as hot as we were. Makes me wonder. Oh well.


More pullet eggs today. It just tickles me pea green to pick them up out there! At least two hen eggs have been in the nests as well. Think the CooCoo Marans are laying again. Looking at their combs, those two hens look brighter red than the other Marans. That is supposed to be the clue to which ones are laying. Red hopped up in my lap this morning and wanted some of my coffee. Jennifer thought she should have had some, but not sure that would be good for her. Just because Jennifer’s dog Luna drinks HER coffee does not make it good for a chicken. Niece Lesli said that a disclaimer would have to be posted that the eggs here were not 100% decaffeinated. That made me laugh.


Have sneezed some more today, but felt somewhat better. Then Jennifer made the comment that she thought her husband Gary was just having allergy symptoms, too, until he tested positive for Covid. So did their son Reece. So far Jennifer has tested negative. She suggested that some tests were here, but think those were tossed. Figured they were out of date by now, but she said that they don’t go out of date. Oh well. If it matters, a call to my doctor would probably tell me how to get another test box. Just hoping that this stuff will go away and leave us alone. Patty said that for her, this makes it worth having her groceries delivered. Picking them up works so far for me. As long as nothing is heavy, it is not much of a problem.


Patty was saying that her friend Debbie had gone to Sam’s the other day and three Hispanic ladies walked in front of her with about fifteen children of all colors, races, and sizes. They were just running wild and bumping into people and getting into things. That is about enough to convince me to stay at home. Not that Sam’s is my favorite place to go. The only things that really appeal to me from there is the butter and cream cheese because of the prices. Have about four pounds of butter left from my last haul at Aldi’s. It is not worth going around a lot of people just to get butter and cream cheese. Mrs. Dash in the great big container might be pretty enticing, but not much else.


Flipping through some of the posts on FB makes me realize that so very many folks pray for others and care for others besides their own families. A post from Tami Yonts just about made me cry because it has been pretty rough on her lately. She is trying to recover enough to be able to take the infusions for the cancer. She is still one tough and warm-hearted lady. Her husband Mike has got to be right by her side as much as he loves her. Let’s pray for him and those like him who are caring for their mates and family members. Our lives are so short in the greater picture, but our love never really does anything except grow larger and stronger. May God give us courage and patience.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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