Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Back to School.

 Back to School.


Sterling asked me about some of the folks with whom we attended school the other day. Well, David Sewell came by to pick up eggs today and filled me in on some of the folks and where they were now. By the way, he said that Maggie has pretty good range of motion for her shoulder after the PT has been working on her. And, so it seems, Maggie has kept up with so many of the folks Sterling remembers—and even wanted his phone number to give to a guy that became “Santa Claus” with the white beard. R.G. Holland was probably one of the first guys to ever get Sterling sick with some tobacco that they decided to chew. Oh wow! Mom had no idea why Sterling was so very sick! Kids!


Then today a call to Kim Bragg took us back to a conversation she started back at the Route 66 meeting. She said that Henry Lee Lucas tried to get her out of her truck somewhere around Bellevue. She carries a gun with her, so he took off, but at least the Highway Patrol knew who he was and had an idea where to pick him up. Have no idea how many women he killed and where he hid their bodies, but am very thankful that Kim was not one of them. When he was on death row, he kept telling them about other women and thinking about where he hid the bodies just to keep from being put to death. Slime.


We had some little rain showers earlier today and a great big bang or two of lightning. My dogs had to have their thunder shirts on for a while there. Can’t blame them. Was out front poking that tool into the ground over the roots of the khaki weeds when one great big flash occurred that made me do the high step to get back inside the house! Wow! That was scary. And now we have a severe weather warning that should last until around eleven tonight. It would not bother me at all if it rained all night and for the next three days if we just get enough rain to soak the ground good and fill up a stock tank or three! Some folks are getting floods and here we are in a drought. Sigh.


Feel so sorry for the folks in Louisiana. They generally have nothing but swamp weather and lots of water, but right now they are losing land to wild fires because of the drought in their state. Maybe one of these hurrycanes will eventually bring us enough rain to do some good. Sorry for the folks along the East Coast, but maybe the storms will do something good eventually.


Still reading a section of a book about what happens with an EMP. Our lives are so fixed to the “modern” conveniences that we grew up with or have learned to accept. Sterling said he got a new cell phone and can’t really operate it just yet. The ringtone doesn’t help him any either. Whatever happened to dingalingaling? Told him to find a grandchild to put a nice obnoxious one on there for him. Once upon a time—with my android—the ring tone for my daughter was “It’s your daughter. Answer the phone!” Don’t know how to do that on this other phone. Oh well. Most of the time it is loud enough to be heard. But you know, we pretty well think that we should be able to talk to folks now when we want to. This old woman can remember when we had operators and party lines. No such thing as a cell phone. Times have definitely changed.


One call we will always be able to make: He listens. He answers.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.



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