Saturday, September 30, 2023

Net Plus Four!

 Net Plus Four!


No, it is not a game. It is an attempt to remove some tramps from the hen coops. The tramps come in grey and feathers, but they eat an enormous amount of chicken feed. Well, some of them won’t any longer. Put up netting on both coop doors so that they would have trouble getting out. Thompson took care of the rest. Good dog!


Had all kinds of good intentions of getting the house mopped and dusted today. It did not happen. And trust me, those kitchen counters really need to be washed down. Think the dogs have only slightly more dust on them than my counter tops! And the wind off the lake brings me another layer each day. Dadgumitall!


Did get some laundry done today even if it is still not folded and put away. Tomorrow. And got chicken cooked for the dogs’ supper. They were not having that canned stuff, thank you very much. The hens, however, attacked the pan of dog food as if they were starved. They have plenty of grain and not much green stuff, but that is still how things are going to be until we get rain. Skip McBride reminded us on FB today that the last drought (five years’ worth) was ended with a flood of nearly 15 inches of rain. Would not bother me in the least to see that happen again. The ground just needs it a bit more slowly than all at once.


These poor dogs have been concerned about me today. Sat reading some descriptions by Steve Higgs of the gas problems that Rex the ex-police dog had when he managed to escape and scarper through a sausage factory with an entire length of sausages. Recognized the symptoms right away. HarleyB did something along those lines when he ate an entire raw deer heart as a puppy. Hanan said his little belly drug the ground until he was able to get rid of the stuff—the long way. And then there was the gas. Yep, Sylvia has that problem sometimes. Thompson refuses to eat that much. Smart dog. Oh, and the reason the dogs were concerned about me was the fact that it was difficult for me to breathe and laugh that hard at the same time.


Have decided to look up a recipe for mayonnaise. Used to make my own with eggs, oil, and spices, but it seems like there was something else to add to it. Maybe it was vinegar. Just can’t remember. Have priced the stuff in the stores. Ridiculous! Will just have to employ Mrs. Google and her recipes. Might just season it with some pickle juice!


Trying to make one trip do as much as possible is a great idea, but only if the old woman can remember everything needed to be done. Monday a trip to see Dr. Blackwell, side gig over to Big Lots to pick up a cushion, then a quick stop at Aldie’s to check on the price of butter are all on my one-trip-do-it list.


Can you believe that tomorrow is the beginning of another month? It used to be that days went by quickly. Now it is months that just whiz by! Guess it could be worse—it could be years. Although it does not seem possible that my two oldest are half way into retirement age. To look at my brother and his activities, maybe the kids are only half way into their next kind of work. Can see someone else in the family making things out of wood or painting beautiful pictures—or maybe something else entirely! My mom spent many of her last years making beautiful quilts from crochet thread. When the old woman was just a kid, she wanted to make things with straw or the strips of bark from salt cedars. Think the Indians thought of that task first making baskets and such. Maybe that is where the thought originated. Daddy had books about the things the Indians made. Maybe the pictures took root in my imagination.


We have so many good memories and so much for which to be thankful. The years that came with our grandparents and great-grandparents were probably some of the hardest in this nation, but God has blessed us so much that we can surely tell that our lives would not be nearly as easy if it were not for those blessings. Let us just be grateful and hope that our children and grands will come to know and appreciate His mercy.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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