Saturday, September 30, 2023

Net Plus Four!

 Net Plus Four!


No, it is not a game. It is an attempt to remove some tramps from the hen coops. The tramps come in grey and feathers, but they eat an enormous amount of chicken feed. Well, some of them won’t any longer. Put up netting on both coop doors so that they would have trouble getting out. Thompson took care of the rest. Good dog!


Had all kinds of good intentions of getting the house mopped and dusted today. It did not happen. And trust me, those kitchen counters really need to be washed down. Think the dogs have only slightly more dust on them than my counter tops! And the wind off the lake brings me another layer each day. Dadgumitall!


Did get some laundry done today even if it is still not folded and put away. Tomorrow. And got chicken cooked for the dogs’ supper. They were not having that canned stuff, thank you very much. The hens, however, attacked the pan of dog food as if they were starved. They have plenty of grain and not much green stuff, but that is still how things are going to be until we get rain. Skip McBride reminded us on FB today that the last drought (five years’ worth) was ended with a flood of nearly 15 inches of rain. Would not bother me in the least to see that happen again. The ground just needs it a bit more slowly than all at once.


These poor dogs have been concerned about me today. Sat reading some descriptions by Steve Higgs of the gas problems that Rex the ex-police dog had when he managed to escape and scarper through a sausage factory with an entire length of sausages. Recognized the symptoms right away. HarleyB did something along those lines when he ate an entire raw deer heart as a puppy. Hanan said his little belly drug the ground until he was able to get rid of the stuff—the long way. And then there was the gas. Yep, Sylvia has that problem sometimes. Thompson refuses to eat that much. Smart dog. Oh, and the reason the dogs were concerned about me was the fact that it was difficult for me to breathe and laugh that hard at the same time.


Have decided to look up a recipe for mayonnaise. Used to make my own with eggs, oil, and spices, but it seems like there was something else to add to it. Maybe it was vinegar. Just can’t remember. Have priced the stuff in the stores. Ridiculous! Will just have to employ Mrs. Google and her recipes. Might just season it with some pickle juice!


Trying to make one trip do as much as possible is a great idea, but only if the old woman can remember everything needed to be done. Monday a trip to see Dr. Blackwell, side gig over to Big Lots to pick up a cushion, then a quick stop at Aldie’s to check on the price of butter are all on my one-trip-do-it list.


Can you believe that tomorrow is the beginning of another month? It used to be that days went by quickly. Now it is months that just whiz by! Guess it could be worse—it could be years. Although it does not seem possible that my two oldest are half way into retirement age. To look at my brother and his activities, maybe the kids are only half way into their next kind of work. Can see someone else in the family making things out of wood or painting beautiful pictures—or maybe something else entirely! My mom spent many of her last years making beautiful quilts from crochet thread. When the old woman was just a kid, she wanted to make things with straw or the strips of bark from salt cedars. Think the Indians thought of that task first making baskets and such. Maybe that is where the thought originated. Daddy had books about the things the Indians made. Maybe the pictures took root in my imagination.


We have so many good memories and so much for which to be thankful. The years that came with our grandparents and great-grandparents were probably some of the hardest in this nation, but God has blessed us so much that we can surely tell that our lives would not be nearly as easy if it were not for those blessings. Let us just be grateful and hope that our children and grands will come to know and appreciate His mercy.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

Friday, September 29, 2023

More or Less Resting.

 More or Less Resting.


Started this day off rather slowly—well, more or less. The dogs started having fits around 3:30, so outside looking around and trying to see why they were having fits got me wide awake. Never did see any reason for them to be carrying on. But then, they are dogs. They can smell things whether or not those things are visible. Sometimes it would be so nice to have them tell me what is on their minds. Anyway, went back to bed and did not wake up until nearly eight!! Oh, did the old woman ever get a good cussing by some feathered beasties! Such is life.


Thought yesterday about taking my little blue wagon down to Patty’s to bag up some tall grass for the hens. Did go down this morning and cut a bunch, but the weed whacker battery quit fairly quickly. Did not really want to go back and get the zero turn, but maybe another day. They love that green stuff.


The silver strips of foil ribbon have ceased to frighten the birds, so now it will be a matter of putting up some of this netting and hoping that does some good at keeping the danged winged appetites out of my chicken feed. Could just trap a boat load of them and see if someone wants them. That probably would not be legal, however. Oh well.


Still reading the series by Steve Higgs and laughing about every few pages. The author has a very good sense of humor, plus the realism of dealing with a huge German Shepherd and wobbling around with 78-year-old-muscles just make me nod my head. Yep, life gets even more interesting when things we used to do easily simply can’t happen.


Bought some Ritz crackers here a while back. They are made with little vegetable pieces in them. Really good flavor, too! If you get a chance, try them and let us know what you think. They remind me just a little bit of some crackers made years ago call chicken biscuits. The Ritz version does not have chicken flavor in them, but it seems the veggie taste stands out very well.


Really know less than nothing today. It has been pretty warm again, but the forecast is for some cooler weather about the middle of this coming week. Definitely ready for some cooler weather. Well, for that matter, definitely ready for a boatload of rain! Feel sorry for folks in NYC and New Jersey. Those folks are floating away and here we are drying up into dust and dirt. Unless something spectacular happens and soon, we might as well forget about growing anything next spring. The ground is just broken. Sutherland’s can sell quart buckets of Belgian mums for only $1.99 if they want to. A body has to be able to get them in the ground without a pick, ya know. And they still have to have water. Sigh.


We still need to be very grateful for life and all its blessings. God loves us despite how we sometimes have bad attitudes. Just have to remember that nothing is ever going to be simple except the ability to love and show kindness—even to those who seem the most unlovable! Everyone on this ol’ planet has some weight riding on at least one shoulder.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Kid in a Candy Store!

 Kid in a Candy Store!


Went shopping this morning. First, Harbor Freight where the trickle charger was less than $10. Plus, the AA batteries (and other kinds) were on sale. Picked up a tarp for the second coop so that it can be covered in just the spot where it leaks until Lance or someone can put a couple of pieces of roofing up there. Found some nice scissors, too. No can openers.


Then, to top things off, went into Big Lots and found some cushions that would work on the new couch. Should have bought four instead of just three, but might go back later—or not. Anyway, they had can openers. They were not any cheaper than the ones on Amazon, however. Well, maybe a little cheaper. But they did not have the old-fashioned kind that were just two dinky little metal things attached to a roller and blade. Would have bought a handful for the Food Bank if they had had that kind cheap enough to give away. A notice on FB said that no one ever gives away can openers. Well, guess why! Five dollars is not really cheap enough to just put in a box unless one knows that someone needs it. It irritates me that we can buy cans of food that are out of date, but the Food Bank has to throw those away. Who knows what other rule exists about stuff. Know for a fact that imperfect produce gets tossed at most grocery stores when it is still good enough to eat. Marked down produce would go just as quickly as any other kind of goodie that is marked down. Love that United does the thing with a basket in the middle of the aisle with excess kid stuff or school supplies that did not sell and have been marked down!


Made scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast this morning after returning from the shopping trip. The dogs were happy to help me with the eggs. They did not get bacon! Hardly ever eat eggs around here, but it just sounded good. Would have been even better with a fresh tomato from the garden, but “garden” is almost a dirty word around here. The water bill was ten dollars higher this month just from trying to keep fresh water for the chickens and attempting to keep my crepe myrtle alive. It is currently blooming. Guess those blooms are worth ten bucks! And those eggs were probably the heathiest thing to eat around here other than the chicken salad made with chopped walnuts and sliced grapes.


Put BBs in the gun this morning. No, have not killed anything, but got the dogs all excited. May not be worth the trouble, but tried to scare off the flock of doves out back. Dadgum’em! Have some netting to put up in the doors since the strips of flying foil tape have become too obviously safe for them. Just have to hang the nets and see what happens. If Thompson has anything to say about it, you can bet the trash bin will be full of dead birds!! Boy! It sounds deadly around here!


Talked to Jacqui this morning. She thinks that they need to start traveling again since she is feeling better. Sterling is still not in any shape to get out and drive all day, however. He is still in a lot of pain. Not sure it would be safe to take the pain pills and try to drive either. Maybe she will be satisfied to just take little short drives. Keeping a woman happy is not for the faint of heart. Lewis used to notice when the closet had been rearranged or cleaned out. Yeppers. That is what got done when the old woman was feeling ornery—well, ornerier than normal. Mom used to clean out her linen closet or wax the floors. We all stepped quietly when that happened. And when she really was on the warpath, she banged on the old piano and sang Amazing Grace at the top of her voice! Uh huh. Dynamite has a fuse.


The garbage online that pretends to be news is so dreadful that we can all go play outside and eat dirt better than read about the usual stuff going on right now. Mercy! Have a Steve Higgs series to read that will keep me from thinking about eating dirt or reading about politics. The Albert Smith Culinary Capers just fit the bill for an old fogey like me. Have attitude will smirk!


Praise God for all the blessings here and around the world. Will keep asking you all to pray for rain for Texas and Oklahoma. We are parched, Dear Hearts! May God bless us and this land.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Exercise and Such.

 Exercise and Such.


Woke up ambitious this morning. Especially since Sylvia got me up at 5:30. Went back to sleep after unfastening the coop doors and did not wake up until nearly nine!!! Good grief! Went out and gave the girls grain and took the zero turn and the push mower out of the workshop. Took the push mower down to Patty’s and mowed a bunch of green grass. The grass clippings went over my fence for the girls’ nibbling happiness. They like that stuff. Then went over to 4412 Kell West and got some blood work done. Love that place and how easy it is to get in and out. Plus, the stick was so gentle! That is unusual enough. Did not even bruise!


Had a package of raspberries with my shredded wheat this morning after getting back home. Love raspberries, but the seeds are SO not fun in my teeth. It reminds me of eating anything fried with cornmeal—gritty stuff in my teethers. Oh well. Gripe, moan, and groan. Have another package of chicken breasts out to thaw and cook sometime today. May have to make a batch of chicken salad with some grapes purchased from United the other day. Had that in mind when they found their way into my buggy.


Stephen Smith told me to try over at Harbor Freight for a trickle battery charger that would remain on the zero turn. Asked him if it would be the sort of thing that a non-mechanically inclined person could manage. “Of course. It’s simple!” Somehow what is simple to some folks is not so simple to me. Just sayin’. But Harbor Freight has all kinds of interesting things in their store. Might have to get another bushel basket of scissors!! Maybe they might have mechanical can openers!

So, it is supposedly 95 degrees outside. Certainly feels hotter than that. The chickens are all cluttered up under the deck. It has to be cooler there than out in the sunshine. Thompson even came inside to cool off in the office under the AC.


Today has made me happy to be able to walk around and enjoy being able to do things. Met up with a guy at the medical office who is a farmer. He was using a cane and said he was still running about 75 head of mother cows, raising wheat, and losing the cotton crop. He looked a bit older than the old woman, but he still was getting up and down well enough. We just have to be thankful for each of the abilities that God sees fit to give us. Living in this world can make a person frightened to think we are alone, but to tell the truth, we are NEVER alone. God is always with us.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Mental Capacity.

 Mental Capacity.


A recent study from the University of York has revealed that elderly individuals engaging in digital puzzle games exhibit memory capacities comparable to those in their 20s.


“Puzzle games for older people had this surprising ability to support mental capabilities to the extent that memory and concentration levels were the same as a 20-year-old who had not played puzzle games.”


Now my mom played games on her computer after we taught her how to get into the games. She played Solitaire and Freecell mostly, but let’s face it, if one has dementia, even games can’t help much. The article went on to say that puzzles helped most people concentrate on things despite distractions. Maybe that is one of the reasons that puzzles are so very common in nursing homes and assisted living homes. Have even seen some wooden puzzles lately online that looked like fun to me. The pictures were not square with sides to help a person find things as easily, so it took more concentration and a bit of imagination. May have to get one for the fun of it.


Didn’t do much of anything in the mental department today except decide which room to vacuum first and then mop. So, the house smells a bit better and has about a quart less dog hair blowing around in here. That is about how much got dumped out of the Shark today. Then tomorrow morning the plan is to take my push mower with its bagger down to Patty’s to cut some of the green grass to dump over the fence to my hens. They’ll love it. Bought them another head of cabbage today, and it is already about half gone. Good stuff, Maynard! [Very few folks would remember that show with Willis trying to get Maynard to eat something other than hamburgers!]


This morning the man from the meat department brought out a box of chicken breasts for me to haul home to the deep freeze. Yes, greedy-gut strikes again. Won’t need to buy any more for quite some time. Still have a few cases of dog food for when the chicken is all gone.


Also, bought four jars of artichoke hearts and some Popeye chopped spinach to make dip with whipped cream cheese. It turned out pretty good even though it does not look as neat as the stuff that they sell for $4.49 a tiny container! The worst problem was that my can opener (manual) broke getting the can half opened. Sat down and ordered a couple of can openers from Amazon! One of the things that the food bank says that they never get but always need is manual can openers. It is easy to see why none are donated. Those suckers are expensive! But then, they need powdered milk, too! The government could buy all the milk that the dairy farmers have that is extra and feed so many kids!


Patty found an article about the city of WF dredging Lake Wichita. Praying that they really and truly DO it! What a wonderful difference it would make. Just for the wildlife, it would make a difference. Plus, maybe the smell of dead fish and the blowing dust would be eliminated.


Saw one of the posts from the Chicken Chick where she was so thankful that it had stopped raining so her hens could be dry. Dear Lord, please send us the rain she does not want! My brother was also fussing about all the rain they have had on his hill that is making the grass grow and needing to be cut again. We would be happy to have his rain as well! But then there is Greece and NYC. Folks in the basement apartments have been told to evacuate in NYC because of flooding. And the folks in Greece are just floating along trying to find a dry spot. May God bless them all!


Looks as if the forecast is for warmer weather—95 to 96 semi-officially. Can tell you right now that it will definitely be hotter than that! If it were to rain, it would turn to steam! But we will take whatever God sends our way. Would really rather not have any of that humongous hail, but it does eventually melt. Still, it is pretty hard on folks and critters.


Let’s all be grateful for each day and its adventures and little quiet spells of bird chatter, leaf music, and breezes. It all comes from the Creator.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

Monday, September 25, 2023

The Iris Bed.

 The Iris Bed.


These pullets are not the least bit deterred by a fence. They take off and just fly to the top and then go off into the yard. SO, walked down to chop out some sticker weeds near the outside of the fence today and noticed that something had happened to the iris plants out front near the electric pole. It looked exactly as if some birds had been scratching away at the dead leaves and uncovering the bulbs. Well, duh. Of course, it was whichever pullet decided to go out and dig around on any given day! Oh well. Just went out and unlocked the gate and shooed another one inside. Crazy chickens. And crazy lady who keeps them and expects them to stay in the yard!


One of the pullets has decided she is my shadow. Feeling something fluffy touching my leg is nothing uncommon. Red likes to see where we are going and help me along the way. It’s a little scary when they all start coming at me from inside the coop. They crowd around my feet and want to know if anything is in my hands. Doesn’t take long to spoil a chicken, Dear Hearts!  Patty has some things for them to eat tomorrow. A trip down there means that the two little dogs get petted and messed with as much as an old woman can stand. Rudy just wants to be petted and touched a little bit. Not Roxie! She wants to be cuddled. She is a sweet critter.


Watching those two dogs has been an experience. Small dogs can’t have as much food as larger ones and have much more delicate stomachs, or so it seems. Roxie had been getting a little piece of heavy-duty treat about three times a week. Think it was messing up her digestion, so we talked about what Patty had been feeding them that was different. She looked up the different kinds of treats that were recommended or that were NOT recommended. The one Patty had just started giving them recently was one of the NOT recommended. So those will come home to my dogs tomorrow. Or the hens may get them!


The iris bed reminded me of a recent purchase of some flower bulbs. Unless we get some decent soaking rains, these bulbs may never have a chance to get in the ground—much less grow and bloom. Everything needs some good fertilizer (not just chicken poo) to do well, and then we have to have enough rain to fill the lakes. Would not want to feel guilty for watering flowers when the lakes barely have enough water to let our city drink. Well, another prayer tonight for rains for our part of the world. Then we can also ask for God’s mercy on the areas that are being flooded in different parts of the globe.


Remember to be grateful for the many blessings. Each day and night have their own virtues—morning light and evening rest.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Sleeping--the Best Rest.

 Sleeping—the Best Rest.


Sitting here soppy wet with bodily fluids—sweat, to be exact. It’s currently only 88 degrees, but it is supposed to get up to 94. You can bet it will be higher than that out here—especially in the sunshine. Even the dogs are happy to come inside under the AC.


Patty’s got a couple of small tree sprouts that are beginning to take off next to her concrete stairways. Have my clippers and white vinegar ready to take down either this afternoon or tomorrow morning. Some of her friends got some of the mess from around the cedar tree yesterday, so now it is possible to see the tree and the fence behind it. Think she plans to have Blake the yard guy do some weed eating so she won’t lose a small dog in all that growth.


Sterling told me this morning that they have had about three inches of rain this week. He gripes because he will have to mow. I moan because nothing is growing. Gotta be a happy medium in there somewhere. But he also told me he vacuumed and mopped this morning. Made me feel plum lazy cause my floors need the same treatment.


Wondering if the DFW area is getting the hen egg-sized hail that has been forecasted for this evening. Seems Henryetta, OK, got a good pounding today. These lovely hot flashes across Texas and Oklahoma have hit a few cool fronts to make very interesting storms. So, could we just have some rain instead? No hard winds and hail are really needed. Hail does not translate into inches of moisture for the ground despite the fact that they can cover the ground. Oh well. May God bless us with protection from the storms and send us the rain that is so desperately needed.


Between the hens and the pullets, seven to eight eggs are appearing each day. Since Jenn plans to come sometime week after next, maybe enough eggs will accumulate to send home some to both her home and Lance’s.


Ordered some funny things for daughter-in-law’s birthday today. One of the things was a sticker book that says, “I adulted today.” It made me giggle that it was on her wish list. She also had a librarians’ coloring book on that list. Yes, that made me smile, too.


Think the world and all that is in it are in the normal level of craziness, so nothing said here will change or enlighten anyone’s viewpoint. Let’s just be grateful that God gives us the rest we need when we get some sleep. Even when our sleep is interrupted by weird dreams of husbands who want us to make cornbread, at least we can sleep around the baking duties. May your dreams be joyful memories.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

More Heat.

 More Heat.


Yeppers. It is getting hot again. Not 117 on the back deck, but hot enough to be pretty miserable. God knows—and we ask often—that we need rain. Oh, it could be a steam bath in some situations, but the ground is just broken open and begging for rain. Not sure how long this will last, but maybe there is some kind of benefit to the heat that we just don’t recognize right now. Grin and bear it, Dear Hearts.


Got more laundry done and even got it folded and put away. Yay me! Then, too, went to United and bought seven packages of chicken breasts for the sale price of 97 cents a pound. Made me happy even if it meant finding an employee and telling him exactly what was wanted. They had ONE package out of the breasts and the rest of the counter filled with legs and thighs. Chicken breasts make great chicken salad. Forgot to pick up grapes to slice up for it, but that is ok, too. Just bread and butter pickles, mayo, and chicken works.


Went to the feed store and brought home three bags of feed. One was wheat, one was chicken mash, and one was sunflower seeds. The hens waste corn and milo when it is put out for them, but the doves appreciate it. The wheat and sunflower seeds are an instant treat as far as the hens are concerned. Naturally, it is more expensive.


Patty’s friends went down and picked up a load of junk that was stored under a cedar tree. They still have another load to go, but she feels it is somewhat better now. May go down and visit early tomorrow and help her celebrate!


The Faith Mission resale shop is moving to the Albertson’s Plaza. That will make it more convenient at least for me when something needs to go there. And the place will be easier for them to keep clean—or we can hope. Things just change rather often, it seems.


An article online said that the North Texas State Hospital (WF) was going to be demolished and rebuilt. Patty said the walls of the current buildings are two bricks thick on each wall. That would be the equivalent of those great big concrete blocks. Just wondering if they will keep the patients in the old part while they demolish some of the 35 buildings on that campus. Guess it is not my problem. Can’t imagine the critters under the foundations and in the walls. But then, they will have to redo the tunnels for the utilities as well as the sewer pipes. No wires are supposed to hang around on that place. Its history is interesting, too. Can’t imagine my in-laws working there until they retired years ago. Garland handled livestock and the gardening as well as other jobs. Joy was just a person taking care of patients. But back then the CNAs gave shots and medications. Very different from today.


Really don’t know anything. Have not turned on the computer to look at news. And no one really wants to know my opinion about dog breeders and the need to make them be licensed. Horrified to see dogs being abandoned and never socialized or otherwise cared for. Don’t shop! Adopt! God didn’t mean for us to neglect our furry friends any more than our children.

Rest well, my friends. You are loved.



Friday, September 22, 2023




Sometimes we learn something every day. Today it was something different about how to transfer property to your children without having to go through probate with one’s will. The TODD means “transfer on death deed.” That simplifies things unless the transfer is some great amount of money or property. Sounds reasonable to me. You take the TODD and the death certificate to the court house or tax office (or both) and simply transfer things to your name. It may take just a bit of research, but it sounds much less expensive than having a will made out. The cost may be different depending on the lawyer involved with a will, but mine was expensive in my estimation. Anyway, if it has zero or at least less cost involved than what we had to do for our wills, then it makes perfect sense to do it this way. This is just a hint to anyone who cares about letting your child/children have your property without having to put it in your will. Bank accounts are totally different anyway. Just POD—paid on death—with the death certificate takes care of that one.


Another lazy day. Some laundry washed and dried, and maybe it will get folded and put a way in a bit. MAYBE tomorrow a trip for chicken at United and then to the feed store for chicken feed. Make one trip do it. Just not a great amount of energy for much of anything. Have started a new book about two ladies in England who work together in upscale homes doing secretarial work (one of them) or work as a seamstress and laundry work for the other. It is a murder mystery where the murder happened years ago. Anyway, it is less likely to cause me to think about anything bleak than some of the books in my Kindle app. One book just finished was about a cat who was a detective who worked with a police dog. Kinda cute. No great depth in this kind of reading, but at least it is light-hearted.


Michelle Malay let me know last night that the chicken breasts were on for 97 cents a pound. That is cheaper than the whole chickens—with less waste. So that is the next “major” purchase at United. She had to ask the butcher to get them for her as all they had out was thighs and drumsticks. The breasts are a much better value. More meat and less bone. She had already given me a rain check that she got when they had these on sale before. That will be the first stop in the morning after the manager gets there. No sense going late in the evening or too early in the morning. Don’t want to have to negotiate for chicken parts!


Made a roast beef type of taco thing this afternoon. Thompson does not usually beg, but he did stand over there by his chair and let out a whimper. Yes, he got the last bite. They will probably have to have one more meal today. Thompson just had his aspirin for the day. Someone forgot his pills earlier. Poor baby. Getting old is not for sissies or gentle dogs either.


Really don’t know much except that life keeps going on. That does seem to beat the alternative. Let’s pray for those who are battling against cancer, diabetes, and all the assorted diseases that face mankind. Let those with depression be in our prayers that they may have peace of mind. And let the care-givers be strengthened to be able to take care of those who so desperately need their care.


Pray for rain for Texas and other areas that so desperately need a good soaking.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Exceedingly Gripey!

 Exceedingly Gripey!


Some days it is just better not to let anyone know how grouchy you feel or why, so let’s just say this will be brief. Going to see my favorite doctor in the morning—or at least her nurse—for bloodwork. We will see after that if the old woman has a reason to be as grouchy as a porcupine. By the way, do you know what you get when you cross a porcupine with a sheep? An animal that can knit its own sweater!


Maybe tomorrow will be a better day, but for now, let’s just praise God for the rain we DID get and ask for His mercy and graciousness to give us the amount we truly need.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Back to School.

 Back to School.


Sterling asked me about some of the folks with whom we attended school the other day. Well, David Sewell came by to pick up eggs today and filled me in on some of the folks and where they were now. By the way, he said that Maggie has pretty good range of motion for her shoulder after the PT has been working on her. And, so it seems, Maggie has kept up with so many of the folks Sterling remembers—and even wanted his phone number to give to a guy that became “Santa Claus” with the white beard. R.G. Holland was probably one of the first guys to ever get Sterling sick with some tobacco that they decided to chew. Oh wow! Mom had no idea why Sterling was so very sick! Kids!


Then today a call to Kim Bragg took us back to a conversation she started back at the Route 66 meeting. She said that Henry Lee Lucas tried to get her out of her truck somewhere around Bellevue. She carries a gun with her, so he took off, but at least the Highway Patrol knew who he was and had an idea where to pick him up. Have no idea how many women he killed and where he hid their bodies, but am very thankful that Kim was not one of them. When he was on death row, he kept telling them about other women and thinking about where he hid the bodies just to keep from being put to death. Slime.


We had some little rain showers earlier today and a great big bang or two of lightning. My dogs had to have their thunder shirts on for a while there. Can’t blame them. Was out front poking that tool into the ground over the roots of the khaki weeds when one great big flash occurred that made me do the high step to get back inside the house! Wow! That was scary. And now we have a severe weather warning that should last until around eleven tonight. It would not bother me at all if it rained all night and for the next three days if we just get enough rain to soak the ground good and fill up a stock tank or three! Some folks are getting floods and here we are in a drought. Sigh.


Feel so sorry for the folks in Louisiana. They generally have nothing but swamp weather and lots of water, but right now they are losing land to wild fires because of the drought in their state. Maybe one of these hurrycanes will eventually bring us enough rain to do some good. Sorry for the folks along the East Coast, but maybe the storms will do something good eventually.


Still reading a section of a book about what happens with an EMP. Our lives are so fixed to the “modern” conveniences that we grew up with or have learned to accept. Sterling said he got a new cell phone and can’t really operate it just yet. The ringtone doesn’t help him any either. Whatever happened to dingalingaling? Told him to find a grandchild to put a nice obnoxious one on there for him. Once upon a time—with my android—the ring tone for my daughter was “It’s your daughter. Answer the phone!” Don’t know how to do that on this other phone. Oh well. Most of the time it is loud enough to be heard. But you know, we pretty well think that we should be able to talk to folks now when we want to. This old woman can remember when we had operators and party lines. No such thing as a cell phone. Times have definitely changed.


One call we will always be able to make: He listens. He answers.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.



Monday, September 18, 2023

Just Reading.

 Just Reading.


Sometimes it pays to be careful what you are reading. The latest book on my Kindle is called Powerless Homestead. It shows the results to three different groups who are trying to live through the first aftermath of an EMP strike. This is where those guys and gals who are called “preppers” come in handy. If one has nothing associated with modern society—no power whatsoever—then how do you try to live? After the tornado in 1979, we had nothing in the way of power—no phone, electricity, gas, water. It was scary, but we knew that it was not that way EVERYWHERE! However, what happens if it should take place tomorrow? The book is gripping. Remember we mentioned how it was in the days of Noah when there was no godliness. Hmm. Well, it could happen that way if at least one part of the world were suddenly made weak in this way. And the entire world? What would things be like if the entire world were suddenly wiped powerless with a magnetic storm? Would it be dog eat dog?


Have thought several times that living off grid might be a lot of work, but might be nice and quiet. But you can bet your bippy that someone would want whatever you had—livestock, crops, or whatever seems useful. Even a water pump—the kind with a handle—might seem awfully important. Well, the only thing that will really matter when it gets down to it will be what happens to your spirit—the one God gave us. No one is going to take the physical body anywhere. Only a few have been “translated” or taken up by God. We even know that Moses died because an angel had to contend with the devil over the body. Elijah—a big difference.


Anyway, it is an interesting book. Maybe the old woman is a gutless coward, but living through such times and situations do not appeal to me whatsoever. But then there is one’s family and friends. About all any of us can do is live in the present day with the attitude that we will do all that we are able to live uprightly and with honesty and kindness toward others. That is what we can believe that God would expect of us.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Lazy Sunday.

 Lazy Sunday.


Ok, Jennifer gave me a tool that digs bad sticker weeds up by the roots. Poke it over the middle of the plant and step on the little lever. It WORKS!! The only problem is that one has to actually get out there and DO it! Sigh. Putting the weeds in a bucket and dumping them is the easiest part. Getting out there and poking the middle of the weed and stooping over to pick them up is the hard part. Sheer laziness not to get it done while the ground is semi-soft.


Patty just called me to tell me that Cody the insulation man came to her house to pick up the beeper he left at her house. Meanwhile, he killed a cottonmouth at the end of our road! Scary! The lake is drying up and the snakes are moving! Just SO glad he killed it. Tony Zupkus has always said that we don’t have any venomous snakes out here. The problem with that idea is that a girl who used to ride horses with me ended up in the hospital from being bitten by a water moccasin out here on the lake. Duh. Yes, we have innumerable water snakes that are just snakes and not harmful, but don’t try to tell me we don’t have venomous snakes on this lake!


Sterling was going to try to keep a shirt on his body long enough for them to go to church today. He can’t use his guitar because the strap goes on his shoulder, but he was just looking forward to being able to go to church. Those folks have been so very good to him and Jacqui. The couples have been bringing them casseroles and all sorts of good things to eat. Sterling can cook, but Jacqui still is not allowed to pick anything up with her right hand even though she is working it, soaking it, and otherwise trying to get the fingers to move like they’re supposed to move. Carpal tunnel is bad enough, but to have the joints on three fingers repaired at the same time has to be pretty painful.


Sterling has been staying out in his shop where it is warmer than inside the house. Jacqui has to be cool and the cold hurts the shingles for some reason. So, he tries to stay busy in the shop making little rocking chairs, benches, and assorted things folks ask for. The boss at the lumber yard wanted him to make a twelve-foot table for his house. He said they had one eight foot long, but it was not big enough for the entire family to get around. The one Sterling made is so heavy that he can’t lift it without a chain hoist. So somehow, he used that and got it loaded on a 16-foot trailer to haul to the lumber yard on Monday. Simply can’t imagine a kitchen or dining room big enough for that sucker!


Guess the old woman will put on some decent shoes and socks and go poke khaki weeds out front to try to eliminate those suckers. Still have about twenty stubs from sunflower plants that need to be dug out so the dogs won’t hurt their feet. Have to wear some heavy gloves to pull them up and out because the stalks have tiny little stickers all over them. Those things really irritate and hurt my hands. As lovely as sunflowers are, they do leave behind a terrible stalk.


Well, so far, the only accomplishment is defrosting a chicken, repotting three gerbenas, and talking with my brother on the phone. At least he and Jacqui were able to go to church today.


Guess the eggs need to be picked up now. Not much else going on since it is getting sweat-hot out there. The sticker weeds may have to wait until later today or earlier in the morning. Just praise God for cooler weather and praying for those along the upper East Coast where the wind is blowing and the rain is coming down in buckets. And Lord, we know those folks in Libya might not like us very much, but please give them respite from the horrors of those dams that broke and wiped out thousands of people who will never even be found again. May we be forgiven as individuals and as a nation. And may we be led to you.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Traskwood, Arkansas.

 Traskwood, Arkansas.


Sterling’s youngest son called him today to tell him about an older couple who lived in Benton County, Arkansas. He told them his family had friends and relatives in Traskwood. They could hardly believe that anyone as young as he is could know anything about Traskwood. Hello! Granddad Pollard was born there in 1900. He was one boy in a family of five boys and one girl. Now Lena (Elenor Lucille maybe) died from diphtheria by the time she was ten and really messed up Great-Grandmother Adria Captolia Pollard’s feelings about children, but she kept having more boys anyway. Then, when all other things—including a war—came along to her world, she lost her husband Peter to a “widow-maker”—a big ol’ limb that fell from the top of a tree. Another of the men in the family was a well digger and hit quicksand and died. Anyway, Sterling helped me reminisce about our favorite grandfather. His name was Leland Graham Pollard. His only child was Leland. The army insisted that daddy had to have a middle initial, so he took V after his grandfather Camp—Sterling V Camp. The V did not stand for anything despite what some dipwaddy wrote in a Montague history book. Guess his daughter would have known, and she said it was just not a name but a letter.


Remembering things that my granddad did when we were young just makes me smile and wish it were possible to hold his hand one more time. He told me on his death bed to take care of “Thel.” That was what he called Grandmother Pollard. He got a promise. We loved her, too. Sterling thought she was not all that and a bunch of hype, but we just have different outlooks. He looks at things differently because his love centered on a man’s viewpoint. It seemed to me that she did what she knew to do most of the time even if she could have done a better job. But who can say that they have always done their best? Certainly not this old woman. It has been in my thoughts more than once that Lewis could have certainly used a better cook, a better wife, a better partner, but he got what he got. And he did the best he could under the circumstances. He loved me. Pretty certain that was how Granddad Pollard lived his life. He loved Thel and did the best he could to take care of her. Could anyone ask more of a man?


Thinking about family and how our children are not ever really the same kind of people we are in so many ways. Have one really shy grandchild who barely opens up to talk. Smart as a whip, but not very loud about anything. Go figure. Definitely did not take that after his grandmother on this side of the family! Then one is a math whiz and has a master’s degree in business and finance. DEFINITELY not related by tendency to this grandmother!! One could talk to a fence post and get its family history! You guessed it—he is kin to me. Then there is the little beauty who loves critters. Yep. She might be kin. Just no chickens.


You know, God must look at His children and think about how they have turned out—or how they are still growing into the spirit of love that He wants. It makes me want to not disappoint Him. About all any of us can do is try. Not saying that we will ever do a perfect job even of trying, but we have the greatest example in our brother. You know: the one He gave for our sins.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Vet's Day--for A Sweet Dog.

 Vet’s Day—for A Sweet Dog.


Roxie went to the vet today. Honestly, felt so sorry for her. Explaining to her that she would not have to stay there might make me feel better, but not likely to help her feelings any. She does not get any food while there, to top it off! She is going to be one hungry little dog. She IS little, too! Picking her up is not anything like picking up Rudy with his 20 pounds of lead! Roxie even makes herself lighter to get in my lap when we visit. But she is home now and her mommy can relax. Let’s hope she does not have to go again for months!


The weather feels as if it is about to change again. Well, let me correct that: my BODY feels as if the weather is about to change. This right knee matches the right hip, don’t you see. Crick, crack. Life is wonderful when one gets up in the morning to the sound of percussion instruments in one’s back and knees. Could be worse; at least the old body still gets up in the morning.


Saw a thing on FB about how folks reply in Norway when someone asks how they are doing: I’m up and not crying! That is about right for folks my age. It always amazes me when going out to the deck to look at the new day. Every one of them is different. A blessing to be able to open my eyes and see the daylight and look forward to whatever the day may hold. And then begins the prayer of thanks for the sleep and the wonderful rest that God gave me—and others. If a person has trouble sleeping, it is easy to understand why gratitude for rest means so much. Sterling says that he is up at all hours because of pain or nightmares. The Vietnam war gave so many folks horrible PTSD. That generation will be gone in another ten years most likely, but no one will ever understand what they went through in that country. Maybe the young men and women who have fought in Iran, Kuwait, and Afghanistan would have some idea, but at least they are welcomed back home when their tour(s) is over. Vietnam vets were hardly recognized and sometimes disrespected. Stupid.


When we started college in the fall of ’66, one of the things our house sponsors wanted us to do was have a “protest” about the Vietnam war. The old woman was not that old back then and her voice was loud and clear. “My brother is in that country because our president sent him there! My classmates are in that country for the same reason. Don’t you DARE pretend to represent those of us who support our families and friends as they fight that war!” Our dorm—nor any other—protested on the TWU campus. That war changed so many lives from that era in many ways. Those who left the country to avoid the draft were called names that did not really fit. Personally, how can one fight an unjust war? Just thinking about that: what war is just? WWII was a totally different situation. Millions of people burnt up in smoking furnaces. Entire countries gutted by Germany. And no, Russia was hit as well, but that does not give them the right to compromise the integrity of other small nations now. None of the wars since WWII have made the difference that is coming soon: The return of the One Warrior who will lead God’s legions. It may not come in my lifetime, but it is very certain to come because it is established in His Word. Rev. 19:11 “And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.”—vs. 16 “And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.” May this day come soon!


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

A Blank Slate.

 A Blank Slate.


The insulation is now installed in the attic. We will see what effect it has on the heating and cooling of this house. The young man who talked to us this morning about the insulation that they sucked OUT of Patty’s house said it was full of insect and rodent excreta, so he thought that having it removed and the interior of the attic vacuumed out might help her breathing eventually. Anyway, we are both happy to have this little task finished.


Stopped by United earlier and they had flower bulbs and other pretty things on sale. OF COURSE, the old woman had to have some of them. Love flowers, colors, pretty things, and outside with anything that is natural. Guess that is one of the reasons that this bunch of chicks were some of nearly every color. The blue ones are interesting and the red ones are so friendly it is amazing. The Wellborns are definitely different, but they are curious about anything that is happening around them. The Marans are my safety net. The hawks think that they are crows and stay away. Wish that worked with the dingy doves. Oh, and another reason for ordering groceries to be picked up was the fact that those flower bulbs were right in the front door! Couldn’t miss them!


Well, the Route 66 Group met this afternoon and nearly caused a riot. We have laughed since it is all over about how six old women were about ready to nail this man’s hide to a wall. He shouted at one of our group for being so noisy. Not just quietly come over and ask us to tone it down a bit, but shouted about her big mouth and being so loud when he was trying to enjoy a meal with his friends. Two different men around us and one of our men were about to get up and clean his plow for him. Two of our women kept Roger from getting up, and then the waitresses got between him and our tables. We could just see the headlines in the Clay County Leader and in the Times Record News: Several Elderly Women Attack Abusive Male. No bail bonds required. Clay County always is good for some general all-around gossip about folks, but it made me wonder if the TRN would have us pegged as bullies since we outnumbered this guy. Oh well. Never a dull moment.


Lowry’s wife Diane said that it seemed my blog always skipped around about different subjects. Why shucks. My life is never on a straight line or even perpendicular to anything. That’s half the fun of being ADHD! If life were always set to a pattern, what would we look forward to each day?


It has been sprinkling today throughout the city and flat out raining in parts. We really need more of the flat-out raining part of this weather. Lake Wichita is basically a yucky mud puddle. So sad. It could be so much more if we could just dig out all that silt and use it somewhere to fill in a canyon or two. Oh well. We can just thank God for the cooler weather and all the moisture He will send us.


Let us be grateful for the times we are able to share with friends and family. The love we have for each other makes our world a better place.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

All That, and A Half Gallon.

 All That, and A Half-Gallon.


Yep, was about to chow down on some shredded wheat cereal when the first bite led me to give the entire contents of the bowl to my chickens. The expiration date on the carton was 9-14, but Dear Hearts, that stuff was blinky! Bleah. Used some half and half for my cereal. A little rich, but plum tasty in the long run. Such is life and expiration dates!


So, the insulation men were supposed to be here at either 10:30 or 11 a.m. Two hours later, Patty called the main office to find out that both of the guys—one from Oklahoma and the other from near Tyler—had had tires go flat on them. One was on the trailer that held all the equipment and bales of insulation. The guy with the big dumpster got here early and said he would be back about the same time in the morning to haul off the bags of stuff they vacuumed out of Patty’s attic. Apparently, the air conditioner people have been throwing their trash up in the attic rather than take it downstairs to put in the bin. Therefore, all that crud was choking up the vacuum cleaners. But the two men got it all cleaned out and a hole stopped up where a woodpecker had made a place to get inside. Or maybe it was some other critter. Who knows? They treated the attic with stuff to kill whatever and told Patty not to open the attic door for 24 hours. Oh joy! As if she would climb up there! Anyway, they are “supposed” to be at my house at 8 a.m. to fill the attic full of fluff and then go down and fill Patty’s attic with fluff. Here’s hoping all goes well tomorrow.


Cooked chicken for the dogs this morning and will feed them some of that tomorrow. They seem to do better with that than any other foods. The lamb and rice kibble is ok, but Thompson is just not impressed with kibble. It could be that his teeth are not as good as they once were. That happens to the best of us.


The news of rainstorms, flooding, tornado warnings, and assorted weather-related excitement just seems to continue to plague the East Coast. Those folks are getting all the rain that the center of the country could use so desperately right now. And now the hurricanes keep threatening the same areas of the eastern coast of the U.S. If it is not one thing, it is another to keep our country on its toes. Our infrastructure is taking a whiz bang beating. But at least we have not been hit by the kind of earthquakes that have happened in other places on the map. Saw an example of some folks who made their house out of plastic bottles that could prevent so many deaths. Not many folks in Texas would consider a plastic bottle house sturdy enough to deal with our wind storms. Not to mention that it would be pretty hard to build with those materials in some elite neighborhoods! Guess everyone just has to make their own decisions about what is an acceptable type of dwelling.


The lovely Senator Kennedy has been at it again reading nasty books in a Senate meeting. These are the types of shishkabob stuff that no one would want to read, much less let a child read. But some folks think it is terrible to ban any books. Guess the old woman is a fan of this type of censorship if it means banning books that depict sexual acts for the readership from Kindergarten through Fifth Grade! Parents really should have some input about what is allowed in the school libraries. Sorry. Not sorry. If you would not want to read this book to your mother, why would you let your child read it?


At one time in my life, the books that came from the library were decent without any suggestion of illicit sex or other out of wedlock situations. The little drug store down town might have had some “romance” paperback books, but those were not allowed in our home. Maybe my mom was a bit Puritanical, but growing up a little dumb had its benefits. Now Dick and Jane books have a totally different appeal to some really strange people. Isn’t there a scripture that says that when Christ returns it will be as it was in the days of Noah? Do you remember why only Lot’s family was saved? What happened when the two angels came to the village where Lot lived? Did they receive a warm welcome or were they set upon to be raped?

"As it was in the days of Noah" is a phrase from the Bible that refers to the truth that the world will be just as wicked when Jesus returns for His Second Coming as it was during the days of Noah before the flood was sent upon the earth12The phrase is from Matthew 24:37, which says "But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be"2The phrase is also found in Luke 17:263


May God be with us and help us use His blessings wisely.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Just Little Tasks.

 Just Little Tasks.


Some things just need to be done when the mood strikes. That is how today has been—striking and moody both. Early enough out that the hens were happy to see me even before they hopped off their roosts, my first little task was throwing out some feed for them. They are all eating grain steadily now since there is not much in the way of grass for them to graze on. They cleaned up the grain in nothing flat. Drank my coffee and put a new drill bit in my drill and put up a new roost in the middle coop. We had just enough rain to make some wet spots inside that coop and more inside the long part of the barn. Keep thinking that it would be useful to just have the entire thing re-roofed, but the thoughts of the cost just put a quietus to that kind of thinking rather quickly. The long part is twice the length of the middle coop. It will be ok for winter to let them run inside, but it would never keep them warm or their water from freezing. Oh well. Just remembering how my grandparents out on the farm in Petrolia kept chickens out in one coop about the size of my front coop. They had neither electricity nor any other handy help. Granddad had to take water to them in the winter. Life goes on.


Aired up the tire on the Zero Turn and finally remembered to put some gasoline in it. Took it out and had to try several times to get the mower part started while it ran the motor for moving. Not sure just why it does that, but it takes remembering to open the handles so that the motor will turn over. If the handles are up, it won’t let the motor turn over. Go figure. Anyway, got the little patch of sunflowers chopped down. They had already given up the ghost, but the sticks just stood there looking ugly.


Walked down to the end of the east lots and used a pair of clippers to cut down a bunch of Western Soapberry shoots and scrub. These were mostly on the other side of the fence, but the guy who owns that land probably would not care even if he knew. Those silly trees are hard to get rid of since it seems as if each berry comes up twice!


Made some vanilla cupcakes and took some down to Patty. Told her she would not have to hide to eat one of these since they were not chocolate. Think it is so funny that she hides to eat chocolate and gives the puppers a Pringle as if that were what she was having!


Lance sent me a picture of his granddog today. Her name is Coti and she really does look as if she is posing for pictures! Rachel really loves the little stink, and it is easy to see why. She is just a real-life cuddle bug!


The man from the insulation business called today to tell me that the guys would be here at eleven in the morning. That seems awfully late in the morning to me, but what matters is that they get the job done and get is over with. Asked him to have them do Patty’s first so that she can get them out of her house before she gets too tired. Found my rubber gloves and a mask so that we can examine the boxes he said were in the attic. Hoping that it is just stuff we can toss in the dumpster! Have no desire to stir up spider or scorpion nests.


God gave us another moist day that felt plum good, even if the rain gauge did not measure more than one tenth. We may have some more hotter than hades days before winter gets here, but we will take any and all of these soft autumn days. It just feels like good walking or riding weather. Used to love to ride my horse on days like this. A few crisp days with cooler temps always gave Duchess a reason to do some bunny hopping. She never got too wild with the bucking, but she always let me know she liked the cooler weather. Guess bunny hopping and zoomies are pretty similar for critters. Wish my old body could do the zoomies! But nowadays it just pays to stay out of the way of these two dogs!


Let’s be grateful for all the blessings from God, but let us first remember that nothing political is going to change our world. It is up to God to let who He wants in office. Whatever we think or feel about anyone from mayor to president, it is truly not our decision or ballots that make a difference. God allows everything from storms to changes of office or changes of volcanoes. Be still, and know that He is in charge.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.