Monday, April 12, 2021

Reading My Past.

 The new computer has helped me already because the monitor is larger, thus the print is larger! Noticed just now that Mesquite Country posts have been combined. It looks as if the earliest post was in 2008. How about that. Don't think it was an every day thing back then. Not sure and don't really care. It was just something to do to express myself.

Couldn't find the hot pad, but Cindy Jones made a large corn sack for me to use in my microwave, so right this red hot minute, that corn sack in on my lower back. Surely hope it will help the kinks back there!

Took the dogs to the vet at 10 a.m. Oh boy! Next time the vet tech can have Sylvia's leash. Thompson might pull a bit, but he would not be as likely to drag me! It took two vet techs and the vet to hold Sylvia down to get her nails trimmed. She had to have her rabies and distemper shots, too. No wonder she does not like to go there! Got them home and Sylvia got away from me. She did not go far, but it worried me. She is just more dog than one little ol' woman can handle right now. She needs a young man to walk her and teach her how to behave. That was supposed to be Hanan's job. sigh

Went out to pick up eggs and one of the Black Marans let me know she was thinking seriously of "getting" me! She spread her wings and fluffed herself up big and squawked at me. Just ignored her. Got the eggs and came back in. Then thought about it. Need to take the time to see about getting the Marans a bit more docile and happy to be touched. The Black-Laced Wyandotte's manners are much sweeter. And then there is ISA. She wants in my lap, thank you very much. Athena is not too fond of being picked up, but she is very concerned about whether or not you are listening to her. Sweet hens.

Jennifer called a bit ago to let me know she had ordered a new bedstead/frame for my bedroom. She was concerned that the bottom part of the frame needed to be there to catch ahold of if needed. She's right, but it seemed impossible to find anything online. And Parr's Furniture said that it takes six months to get anything in. Covid has really messed us up!

Both dogs are lying around and not being interested in much. Think those stupid distemper shots make them feel bad. Hope that Connie Cooke does not have that kind of reaction to the Johnson & Johnson--Jansen vaccine for Covid. She got her shot at Harvest Drug today. Dr. Blackwell sent out a message that everyone could call and get an appointment, so Connie thought it was about time to get it done. A person has to wait so long after actually having Covid before getting the shot. 

A pharmacist from Walgreens just called and asked how the last two prescriptions were doing for me. Seems to me that is a nice way to check on customers. Anyway, told him things were dandy. It took me a minute to remember which drugs they were. Oh well. As long as my memory doesn't completely go south!

Have not seen any pictures or anything about Debra Jones new grandbaby girl. Hope everything is ok. Childbirth can really be complicated. Never has been easy, but some of us are built for having babies. Others, not so much. Both of Lance's children were by C-section. Not a fun way to start off with a baby. Jennifer had a different problem. The doctor decided to turn the baby after she was already in labor. Between that and having Reece push her rib out of place, she certainly never needed another child. Two boys were enough for her! Besides, she has Gary--think big kid!

Cooked some hamburger from Bill Brown Beef for lunch. Good texture and taste. Think this place is going to be the best for getting my meat--well, beef. Still like lamb, good fish, and chicken. Hard to find lamb--or hard to find lamb that is not outrageously expensive. Seems to me that folks in Texas should be raising more sheep and having more lamb in the stores. Maybe there is a good reason why it is not sold around here.

The deli at Market Street is a good place for lunch--well, breakfast, too. The prices are plum reasonable and the food good. If it were closer to the house, it would be awfully tempting to go there more often.

Noticed on my way to the vet's office that gasoline is $2.79 a gallon. Dadgum! Things are going south in this country faster than okra grows in July--in Texas. Kinda sad.

Still praying for rain despite the 1% chance around 4 p.m. today. Honestly! It is cloudy, but nary a drop of moisture. If God closes up the heavens, we will be one miserable nation.

Let us ask God to be merciful and heal this nation of its ills and sins. We can't go around yelling about the poor little children on the border when babies are being killed in the abortion clinics. But those little kids--not the gang busting teenagers as seen in Dallas and Austin--the little ones should be cared for in the best way possible. We have a time bomb on our hands when considering the fact that NONE of these kids have ever had ANY vaccines whatsoever. Polio, chicken pox, small pox, measles, mumps, and any other number of diseases that are much more complex to treat are coming inside our borders and spreading wherever they are taken. The fact that too many of them have already been used as sex slaves just boggles my mind. No answers here. Just eyes turned to heaven.

May you all get a good night's rest and awake with joy. You are loved.


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