Friday, April 16, 2021

Fun Stuff to Know.

 Knew that Israel became a nation in 1948, but other stuff happened that year. And the Titanic went down in 1912, the same year that a woman first flew across the English Channel. My Grandmother Pollard was born in 1906. The earthquake in San Francisco that year killed about 4,000 people and burned over 75% of the town. Carrier invented air conditioning. Upton Sinclair's The Jungle was part of the persuasion that caused Congress to pass the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act. Should anyone be interested in searching some interesting facts and folks:

Why, you might ask, are all these interesting facts coming up right now. Well, someone has a couple of boys who need a little encouraging to learn more about history, inventions, people who made a difference, and even nations that came into being politically (Israel). So one source that might help someone else who has children that should not be attending just any school, might find this resource helpful: One of Jennifer's friends educated six or eight of their children (mostly adopted) with this program since it leads to college prep--and best of all--it's FREE.

So have not walked down to the rain gauge today, but it sounded as if the bottom dropped out of a big bucket this morning! Then it finally stopped and did it again! Getting the rain we needed is all that matters! The hens are pretty well protected and don't  have to stand out in the rain, so they don't care--well, as long as it is not three feet of snow! And the temperature is not -12 degrees! So many folks have lost trees, bushes, flowers, and assorted growing stuff. Have not heard much about folks losing livestock, however. Hope the losses were minimal. One always hates to see the critters hurting.

If nothing rips, rears, or ravels, think Jennifer and Gary will be here tomorrow. Gary can do just about anything with a computer. Transferring the stuff from my laptop to the all-in-one should be a breeze for him. Had to go ahead and buy another copy of Microsoft Office in order to use this computer to publish the blog. The other one still works, but using the laptop makes me feel crippled. Fully expected the two parts to separate at any moment! 

What is it about a toilet paper core that makes dogs think they need to chew it up into small bits all over the floor! Even placed in the bathroom trashcan does not make any difference. Fair game if they can reach it. Crazy critters.

One of my "online" friends calls herself an inventor. Will have to get around to asking Michelle Pollard Abend what things she has invented. It just makes sense that some things need to be invented. Think about what a difference Willis Carrier has made in our world--AC for those who don't know. Now we need a distillery for water that can actually remove pollutants. Saw that the ocean off of the coast of California was being polluted terribly with DDT barrels that had just been dumped in the ocean. How can we find a place to put those leaking things or convert the poisonous chemicals? And then what to do about the water? Saw an advertisement for a block to drop in a cattle tank--the metal tank--that was supposed to remove all kinds of germs and filth. Would it actually work? Not sure it would be worth spending the money to find out. Although, if someone can come up with an idea for keeping these silly hens from making mud pies in their water bowls, it would make me happy. They have the gravity fed type inside the coops, but they go to the bowls nearly every time. Twice a day those bowls have to be cleaned out!

My rice and veggie steamer gave up the ghost. Plugged it in this morning to make some rice. Nary a red light, nor a fizzle. Well, it has been around several years and has been a good ol' steamer. Wonder if they still make this kind. Guess it does not matter. This one was by Rival, but just about any kind will work. Will have to go online and see what is out there. Funny how a person gets attached to the same ol' things. 

Had trouble sleeping last night. Jennifer had called me on the way to taking Reece to the hospital. Well, actually she was driving behind the ambulance. Anyway, he is going to be ok, but every time my eyes opened, another little prayer went up. It seems the Covid vaccine made him pretty sick at the time, and now he is still having some after effects. Go figure. Guess everyone worries about their kith and kin. And grandchildren are very special. Know that Debra Jones is very happy to get her little grandbaby home with her and James. She will really miss that baby when Amanda is able to go back home on her own. 

Going to have to either get rid of some hens or find someone who needs eggs. Told Jenn six dozen were waiting for her. She said that was too many and she would have to give some away! Hmm. The girls are laying over a dozen a day. Now this summer it may slow down, but for now they are filling up those nests. Even Athena who only lays one or two a week is still doing her part. Well, Lance said he could take some. He has neighbors, too.

Didn't have too much wind with the rain this morning, so my irises are still lovely. The grass out front may be up to my backside before it gets whacked, but such is life. Thought the one kind of flowering vine thing was Buffalo Bean, but it turned out to be vetch. Oh well. Won't take much to get rid of it or can throw it over the fence to the hens. They like most of that stuff. Do know better than to put Bluebonnets over the fence. They are poisonous for hens. Well, and for other critters, too. Dogs and cats can die if they ingest the seeds or flowers. Go figure. My hollyhocks are completely edible from the roots all the way to the flowers. But dogs--or people--can be bothered by the rough stuff on the leaves and stalks. So there's that.

Really don't know much to tell. Have been wrapped up in a long-sleeved shirt today. Thompson is wearing his warmest doggie blanket. Sylvia doesn't really give a rat's patootie. But the heater in the kitchen keeps coming on, so the temperature is NOT what it says on my phone. Fifty-seven degrees, huh!

Have a book to read--started on it already. Started one yesterday and got disgusted and deleted it. Kinda hard to tell with some descriptions whether or not something is going to be worth the time. This one was not. Oh well. They are free books.

Hope that all of you are resting well and getting ready to mow or do whatever in your yards. So far we can celebrate just having rain and no storms. God has blessed us. Let's feel grateful and let Him know it. You are loved.

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