Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Rain, and Wind, and Weather!

 Ok, the theme song from Rawhide is going around in my head. For those of you in England or some other country, Rawhide was a western series about cowboys driving cattle to market and all the vagaries of rustlers, snake infested rivers, bad whiskey in the saloons on the drive, and cattle in stampedes. Yep, Texas sort of things. That was pretty much what the weather was like last night--rumbling and sounding like a stampede out there! So this morning the flowers showed evidence of being whipped around and soaked as well. The rain gauge only said 3 and a half inches, but it kept raining this morning to the tune of another half inch. Not griping, dear hearts! Old Joe Brown used to say there were two things a Texan never griped about: a heifer calf and a good rain. Wouldn't mind having a heifer out in the side lots, but you can bet the grass would all die before it was old enough to take to the bull.

Have one of those headaches today that could be caused by the weather or maybe pure orneriness. Not sure, but the ornery part is never going to change!

The boys came today to put my bed frame together. Jennifer told me not to use the higher legs. Wish now we had used the shorter legs, but just sent off and have a little step stool on its way to make up the difference. Still have the short legs in my dresser in case we ever decide to punish ourselves and change them out. Let me tell you right now: those boys earned their orange juice today! That mattress is heavier than all three boys and the old woman combined. The box springs were not too bad, but that king sized comfortable mattress is a booger to move. 

So the assignment for today was to write a "steps in a process" paper. They laughed about it, but am willing to bet that they will do a good job. Told them to read their work aloud so that they can hear their errors, but even with that, the main idea is to recognize the steps and give good directions. You would be surprised--well, maybe you would not--at how many folks can't tell you how to fold a paper bag, much less put together a bed frame.

The honey bees are going to town on the poppies today. Not sure if the Bluebonnets are about worn out, but the poppies are standing up in the air and waving for the bees. It is fun to watch them.

Went to pick up some of those pigs in a blanket and good apple fritters for the boys. On the way back the spillway over the dam was quite noticeable. Wow! Must have quite a bit of water from Holliday Creek headed this way. The drainage ditch was running pretty high. Good thing they built that ditch or half of this side of town would be flooded.

The mud is deep enough out in the back yard that the dressed stone walkway is just about the only area that is not muddy. Even the coops got rain inside! That wind must have been blowing the rain sideways last night!

Went up to FedEx a bit ago to have them print out and bind my text/workbook. That little dude was a bit over $60. But at least now it won't be a hassle to look for the pages the boys need to work on. They have it on their computer and can either print out the pages or whatever. It is not nearly as bad as buying text books like we used to have. One of my grandsons said that the text book for his class, if he bought it--college level, understand--was $1,000! Boy! That's enough to make a person drop their upper plate! Have no idea what the school used to pay to have mine printed, but since they did it in quantities, it was surely not that expensive. Think the entire system (five campuses) only had ONE English teacher. Most of them had a degree in basket weaving. But then, the pay was about equivalent to that kind of degree. Mrs. Sosebee was the only other teacher there who had her degree in her subject--accounting. But that kind of school is going by the wayside for the simple fact that the classes can't compete with what a junior college can give them. At least a junior college has a degree with classes that transfer to a university. Commercial colleges are in it for the money--period.

Asked my granddaughter the other day what she wanted to do about her college opportunities. She wants to get the basic classes out of the way at a junior college so that she does not have to worry too much about driving too far from home and the costs. Smart cookie! She is still taking all her classes online right now. Probably won't be any different next year, and she does not even care. Right now, the only high school class that matters to her is soccer. Oh well.

Looked through the big tool box in the workshop, the little toolbox in the back room, and my "junk" drawer for other stuff including tools, and have come to the conclusion that the old girl needs to get a set of tools that match--standard, not metric--and a tool box that actually shuts when the drawers are pushed in. Not sure what happened to this one, but it does not work properly. Then there are the tools that are obviously missing--my blue handled ratchet is gone. And several of the sockets are full of greasy stuff. Nope, Lewis would NEVER let his tools get nasty or stay that way. Guessing that Jerry "borrowed" some and threw others in the tool box to fill it up. ARGH! Will have to figure out what is missing and what needs to be replaced. The wrenches with open ends are weird sizes. But the boys really liked the "star" tool that Michelle Malay gave me. It is neat. And Lance noticed the other day that we were using "Paw Paw's" hammer. Leave it to him to notice something like that.

Hoping that we all sleep a bit better tonight. Seems like last night was more wakefulness than sleep. At least if we don't have thunder, the dogs will be content to be still. 

Don't really know much this evening. Other than ordering a couple of copies of The Scarlet Letter, my usefulness has not exactly been running over. Let's hope the two books match so we can stay on the same page for discussions.

Going to say it one more time cause someone ticked me off being judgmental about folks and their lifestyles: God sees His SON when we come before Him. Whatever stupid foolishness we have committed--or omitted--we can be forgiven. It is not OUR job to judge. We can HATE sin. We cannot hate those who sin. Pedophiles seem to me to be the most outrageous excuse for humans, but God will judge them. Meanwhile, they should remain out of my sights in this life. God can take care of the next life.

May your night be full of restful sleep. May you awake with good cheer. You are loved.

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