Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Good Help Is Hard to Find

Jerry gets up at 5:30 on the mornings that he goes to work; he said that he hoped to get off tonight by 7:30 if nothing came up.  Alice zipped up and down the halls all day today and took a deep breath long enough to smile and tell me that her home is in Vernon.  Joyce and I talked about how things have changed in nursing and how much she appreciated working with Alice.

These three people and the many techs and specialists who work together have been taking care of MIL.  Each time one shift goes off, another comes on to take over her care.  Tomorrow it may be Mary, Jody, and Jo Ann, but their names will be on the board opposite MIL’s bed.  The board is nice, but all of the employees are good to tell MIL who they are each time they talk to her.

Today was busy with surgery and the post op procedures for more than one patient.  But every time one of the crew stepped into the room, that person stayed long enough to take care of whatever needed to be done.  With fifteen patients to care for, it is a wonder they stayed calm and could even remember to take a deep breath.  But their attitude was never flustered or frustrated.

Andy came today and while he replaced a connection on a piece of equipment, he asked if there were any changes or improvements that could be made to their service.  Why change a good thing?  Alice was organized and did whatever needed to be done.  Joyce never rushed when she worked with MIL and was as gentle as if Joy were the only patient she had.  Jerry knew exactly how to talk to MIL and make her happy even when he changed the oxygen tubes that she was fighting.

Yes, good help is hard to find, but apparently URHCS has found some of the best.

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