Friday, June 11, 2021

The Weather Report!


The Weather Report!

Yup, it feels like 107 degrees out there and the UV index is high. That means—if you can breathe, you are roasting in your own sweat! The humidity is not as high today—only 52%--but it is still pretty doggone muggy. Oh well. At least the AC units are keeping the house nice and cool. If you don’t think that they are working, just step outside!

Connie came over today for a visit. She brought Swedish meatballs that make my mouth water just thinking about ‘em. Will probably make mushrooms to go with them instead of rice or noodles as Jennifer is on that Keto diet. Think Connie liked the chicken salad we ate for lunch. Still have a smallish portion left in case Jenn wants some. Had forgotten to stir in the pecans, so did that after the salad had already been mixed up. Didn’t matter a bit. Just because it is supposed to be put together in order doesn’t seem to matter when the ingredients are all good separately. So there!

One of the twins came over and mowed the grass. Hoping the other boys come to do the weed eating and weeding early in the morning. It is simply too hot to do it during the day. And it does take time to mow, weed eat, or pull weeds! An older neighbor who lived down from us on Morgan Avenue in Petrolia was out in her yard nearly every day. She had not one blade of grass around her house, but she had pretty flowers. She kept the grass hoed out to prevent the snakes from having hiding places. She hated snakes. Know the feeling. And maybe she only worked in the early part of the day when it was still cool, but it seemed like she was always outside doing something.

When Connie came, she brought some Kleen Green with enzymes in it to use on the dogs. Hoping it works to prevent the itchies on Thompson. Poor baby. So far, he has not been chewing on himself since we sprayed him. It can be mixed up as a shampoo, too. Had thought about giving him a bath today, but if he is happy right now, no sense in hauling the big tub onto the deck and working him over in there. If he is having trouble itching in the morning, he may get a bath—but so will his “sister” Sylvia.

Jerry’s mom, JoAnn, brought me some small squash this morning. Took her a bottle of tea over while she was working, and we came back over here and sat on my bench on the porch and visited. What is that meme on FB about needing more porch sittin’ and rocking chair rocking? Well, we could show folks how it is done. So, she is going to have to find someone to brush-hog that lot or someone with one of those high wheeled weed eaters to cut the weeds down. Had one of those big DR weed eaters, but sold it to Michelle because yours truly could not pull the rope high enough or fast enough to start the danged thing. Should have bought one with an electric starter. But now JoAnn tells me that folks can’t buy parts for them. That really sucks! It is getting to the point that it is useless to try to buy certain things when it is impossible to buy parts for them. Glad my place is fenced. If the mowers break down, can always get a couple of sheep and call ‘em Lassie and Daisy. Ahem

Only had eleven eggs in the nests today. Some hens are definitely falling down on the job. Maybe they are too hot. With 18 hens, it’s not like 12 eggs are going to show up every day. It takes 26 hours for a hen to produce each egg. So, every other day is going to be a “short” egg day. But let’s face it, 18 hens cause a lot of cackling out there. It is a little noisy some days.

Tried to lie down earlier today and rest my back. Apparently, one’s mind and one’s body do not always rest at the same time—at least not around here. Maybe by tonight both will be ready to cooperate. The medication seems to be helping with the pain, but it is still difficult to relax for some reason. Oh well. This, too, shall pass. As Connie pointed out, at least the panic attacks have totally ceased! That in itself is amazing!

Have some decent sized tomatoes growing on the plants out in the buckets out front. So happy with those veggies! Hoping they get to ripen and become part of a tomato sandwich with bacon. Think bacon and tomato can be its own sandwich! No bread needed. Also have corn trying to make in the sunflower ring and in a big tub out front. Know corn is not good for me, but just the idea of growing my own makes me smile! Now if it had just been possible to grow some English peas! Oh well. Last year a cucumber or two grew for me. This year the cucumber vines look sad. Think it was too much rain and not enough sunshine. That may be what was wrong with a lot of things including the squash this year. Fall gardens are always neat, so we can think about those next. No sense in crying over shriveled cucumber vines!

Going to have to dig out some mint plants to give to my doctor and to anyone else who wants some. They have just about taken over my herb garden box. Have to remember to ask Sharon Dickerson if she wants some to take home with her. She called today and was laughing about their “bunnies.” They had two in their back yard who did not care in the least that Sharon and Jim were watching them. They had nice Dickerson grass to eat! Asked Sharon if she wanted a couple of hens to put out back, but she said they would dig in Jim’s flower bed. That would not do. And if they got out, one of the neighbors would catch, clean, and eat it before Jim and Sharon even noticed it missing! Some kind of neighbors!

What little time spent outside this morning getting the trash bin across convinced me that the birds here on Dickerson Hill praise God on high with the loudest voices they have. A wren must have been especially happy to find the sun shining this morning and the bugs out to be swept up in his beak. And he has competition in that area. Late yesterday evening the purple martins were swarming the area near my truck and driveway. They may not sing, but they are hardly silent! The mosquitoes could not make that much noise if they tried! Dread to see the city have to start spraying out here, but at least the birds can eat safely now. The honey bees and butterflies are busy with the pollination work, too. If the butterflies have anything to do with it, we will have seeds from the sunflowers this year. Even saw a hummingbird checking out the heads of the garlic plants! If watching the trumpet vines were easier, can almost bet the hummers would be out there in the evening. Remembering when the children used to make “witch fingers” out of those blooms. Such good memories!

Jennifer called to say she would come in the morning instead of tonight, so will just enjoy my dogs and the hens tonight by myself. Never really alone with all these critters around. She was a little concerned about one of the employees being sick and around everyone today. But reassured her that if it means one of us catches something, well, life goes on. Have been to the MRI Center and to the surgeon’s office both. The nurses were not masked at the surgeon’s office, and who knows if that door handle or the shelf in front of the reception area has been cleaned during this month! We just take our chances when we are around others every day. God will bless us in this life or the next, so there’s that.

Let’s pray for our world, its critters, and those who desperately need the assurance of love. We all do what we can as life goes on to give of ourselves. Can’t ask for much more.

Rest well, and awake with joy. You are loved.

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