Tuesday, June 22, 2021

A Cleaner Shade of Closet!


A Cleaner Shade of Closet!


Started early this morning, but just a few minutes ago got the last of the stuff set out to bag up that will be hauled to the Women’s Refuge Store in the morning. Did not realize how many pair of pants are too big and needed to be given away! And then there were the things that will never be worn again—long sleeved and dressy or something that just no longer fits my idea of comfortable. A couple of jackets were in that mess as well. Some long fuzzy socks that go past the knee! Imagine that if you will! This is the perfect weather for cleaning out a closet. Turn on the AC and a fan, sit down on the end of the bed, and then fold until nothing more will fit inside the plastic holder! Oh! And some of the things that were found inside my suitcase made me gasp! The ONLY copy of my thesis was packed away in a suitcase along with one of the last published copies of Grammar to Go. SO glad that looking into each suitcase included finding those two items. Anyway, they are now safely tucked away to be “lost” to my memory again—well, not likely. They are sitting here in the bookcase in front of my computer, so there!


Was outside in the back when the dogs started having fits to let me know someone was here. The boys came over because their dad told them to come. Did not expect them at all. But was glad to see them. They did some weed eating and other stuff before they leave tomorrow on a fishing trip for the week. It sounded like fun! Here’s hoping that they enjoy every minute of it!


Just tossed the broody hens in the baby pool again. Eventually they will either stay out of the nest or start running when they see me coming. Still got eggs today—eight this time. This heat is hard on all of us!


While we were here in the living room talking, my griping about TV and the fact that my Firestick was not working got an exceptional reaction—one boy knew what to do! So now my TV will talk back to me again! How about that. Thought it would have to wait until one of the kids came up. Now to find something that is enjoyable to watch. That can be a challenging situation.


Had spaghetti squash with cheese and salsa for brunch. One of the boys noticed the squash seeds and asked, “Pumpkin?” When told it was spaghetti squash, he declared that someone else could eat all the squash ever produced. NOT his cup of tea! Wondering if he has ever had really good fried squash or squash casserole. Of course, if Lewis heard the word casserole, his lip started to turn up. Poor man had no idea what he was missing. But then, he thought steak, roast, fried chicken, or mashed potatoes with gravy were the only decent foods around. He liked biscuits with gravy, but it had to be LOTS of gravy to suit him. Miss feeding that man!


Had a visitor earlier who came and stayed just a bit. She admired the flowers—especially the Hollyhocks. Told her that getting up in the morning and seeing the lake just starts my day off right. Been here on this hill for 53 years, so it is a good thing the lake is one of my favorite sights. But this year has been an exceptional year for another reason. We must have an entire flock of wrens around here. They sing from the north side, the south side, and right on top of the place! Of course, the mockingbirds and cardinals have been around here for years, but have never had this many wrens. Then Donny and Patty have a family of roadrunners. They don’t make much in the way of noise that is obvious to me. According to the computer, they make a clacking sound with their bills and some buzzes and coos. Maybe just not listening hard enough? With all the doves around here, the coos would be easily lost in their constant noise.


Seems a lot of moving around and back and forth motions going on over on North Church Street. Have wondered if the old man who lives in the church house/home might have passed away. Have not seen him in ages, but his wife has been out and about in her house robe in their yard. Guess it is not exactly of national concern anyway. They don’t come over this way any more than the rest of us go over there. Neighborly? Not.

Guess the City of WF decided to bale hay or at least get some of the high weeds mowed on the lot down the street at the end of Jerry’s place. They had two humongous mowers out there trying to get it down. Looks better now, but they could have made a bale of hay out of all that stuff. Maybe it won’t be a fire hazard now at least. Still, some bank owns the two pieces of property that touch on the back side of that lot and the front of N. Church Street. Both of those places look like whodathoughtit! One has already been on fire a couple of winters ago when a kid who was staying there built a big fire in the fireplace and walked off and left it. Had it not been for Donny, the place would have burned completely. Probably would have been better in the long run if it HAD burned to the ground. At least then the bank would not have to pay to have it torn down.


Finally got in touch with my friend in Mississippi who lives on a hill. We laughed about her determination to live high above anyplace that might flood. Being from Texas, she knows what happens in low areas of land. And some of these contractors don’t bother overly much with drainage in areas where they build new homes. Her home may not be brand new—it isn’t—but she made sure to buy one on a hill. Smart lady! We got in a discussion about quilts when speaking of trying to date when one was made. She has one that Mrs. Baker, our mutual friend, made for her. Beth brought the pieced top and some backing and batting to Bertha to sew together. Mrs. B did not like the backing and used a different, prettier piece of material. The result was a quilt that is good in both winter and summer—and makes for good memories, too. That is what would be neat if yours truly could remember the approximate date for Mother’s Flower Garden. It was probably between 2000 and 2005, but just can’t be sure. Guess it is not like anyone is going to care that much about its date. At least the thread given to her by Ralph Van Winkle had to have been received before his death in 2008. So here we go figuring timelines.


Bought some Jolly Rancher candy some time back and have a watermelon sucker in my mouth! Do you know why a Tootsie Pop is semi-better than Jolly Rancher? You simply cannot bite a Jolly Rancher until it is quite small! And it is the same from beginning to end—no chocolate middle!


After cleaning out the closet in the back bathroom this morning, it occurred to me that the chifforobe in my bedroom could use the same treatment. Am hoping to find a decent purse in there that will hold my gun and just a few things besides. Big purses are a pain—both physically and otherwise. But small purses never have enough room for diddly squat! And a good purse needs a shoulder strap rather than a handle. Am sure some women would not agree. Look at Queen Elizabeth! Bet she has never had one with a shoulder strap! Wonder if she EVER had to carry a diaper bag?


Read online that the Pizer vaccine may have caused blood clots in organs in umpteen folks. They said the same thing about the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. But then, the same number of people have blood clots anyway! Who knows if it is the vaccines that are causing them? Anyway we go at it, everyone will eventually die. Some us of can get to a certain age and wonder why we even cared about living a little longer. And we are going to be so forgetful it won’t seem to have mattered to us anyway! Such is life.


Really am as dumb as a doornail this evening. Have a silly book started and may or may not finish reading it. Sometimes things sound good when advertised and then end up being pretty “precious” and totally uninteresting. Think this is going to be one of those situations. May just spend some time trying to get on Libby for WF and see if they have Remarque’s The Night in Lisbon about WWII. The boys said that they would like to read that one, so guess who has to read it first.


Let’s all rest in the knowledge that we are and have been so very blessed. Take time out to tell others how much they matter to you. You never know who might really need to hear that. For now know this: you are loved.



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