Sunday, June 6, 2021

Flustered Feathers!

 Well, maybe some kind of paint or other markers would work to keep up with which hen has been broody and which one has been allowed to return to the nests. Currently the broody hen in the hen jail may or may not be the same one that was in there yesterday. Yep, gonna have to figure out some way of marking her head or back feathers so it will be easy to see who needs to be allowed to run free--and if one has attempted to go back to just being with the rest of the flock. Never have had such problems before, but it isn't really that big of a deal--for me, at least. The hens are not happy with being shut up away from a nest. 

Cleaned all three coops this morning. Dumped the results on a place the hens had dug out near the back flower bed. Would love to be able to grow something back there and under the apricot trees, but not sure just what could be planted at this stage of the summer that might actually grow. Have plenty of chicken wire to use to fence a place off from the girls, so will just have to think about it. Would love to have cucumbers growing somewhere, but will have to see if the seeds are still available. The Feed and Seed Store would probably have some even if they are slightly more expensive than the packaged kind. Of course, the packaged kind have maybe ten seeds in a package!

Have had the sneezes for the past two days, but refuse to take any Benadryl. At least the dogs can attest to the fact that we all have the sneezes together! Thompson looks at me when he starts nibbling on himself because he knows he will get scolded and then have something powdered on him or sprayed on him. Poor baby. Sylvia gets these "reverse" sneezes. They sound as if she might be snorting instead of sneezing. 

Have a dahlia about to bloom! The rest of the flower bed definitely needs a gardener's touch and some grass removed, but both the red and the pink Hollyhocks are blooming. Jennifer had a black one at her house in Mansfield, but we never got any seeds from it. Oh well. Maybe one of these days we will find some online or somewhere. Hollyhocks live over from one year to the next--perennials. The dahlias and hollyhocks are long lasting--not as long as petunias, of course, but still. One time we had some petunias that made me think of peppermint candy. They smelled so very sweet. Right now there are actually some petunias growing in the back flower bed. Probably should just be satisfied to have them back there rather than trying to put any kind of veggie in the ground for the hens to eyeball!

Jerry's mom and step-dad were over across the street this morning. She said they were having a big dumpster brought in tomorrow morning. Here's hoping that they get that mess cleaned up! Her grandson is about to go into the Navy and said that he would clean it up. This should be interesting. If they get rid of the "privacy" fence, it might even help a little since it looks so trashy. The mess behind my house is worse, but the city will never do anything about it. Oh well.

Sitting outside talking to Jenn on the phone late yesterday evening and looked up to see a drone overhead. That was really weird. Not sure who would be looking at stuff around here, but that is obviously what was happening. Maybe the police were checking on the drug addicts down from my place and across the fence. Or maybe some kid was just looking around at stuff. Who knows.

Jenn said that she went to the store to buy meat and ended up paying an exorbitant amount for hamburger. So this morning an order for more beef went out to the Bill Brown Beef place via their sales delivery lady. Don't think they have to worry about being hacked by anyone online--especially since their customers are all local--more or less. And we all know the quality of the meat is above anything we can buy elsewhere! It always pays to buy locally. Wish that were as easy for other stuff. Other than SAS shoes out of San Antonio, it is pretty hard to buy clothes made locally. 

Peeked into the mockingbird nest to see that one of the babies was standing on its feet and sleeping. The other one was cuddled down in the nest sleeping. We can pretty well guess which one was going to get first bite of the goodies momma would bring them.

Just went out to see which bird was making the yelling noise. Now think there are TWO Cuckoo Marans that are broody! Wondering if these are the same two from last time. sigh Silly critters! No wonder it is so difficult to figure out who is sitting on the nest for no particular reason.

Thinking about a couple of conversations about debts and something someone posted online on FB and how some people think that debts should be forgiven if they seem impossible. That is called bankruptcy. And maybe a bit of stupidity. Yet the greatest gift that any of us could ever be given is called forgiveness. The only true peace is the result of that kind of forgiveness. And you know who paid the price for it, right.

Watching the man that Hanan used to call "Santa Claus" mow the grass for Susanne Priddy. He looks as if he can just barely move around, but he is cutting that grass twice and to the ground! Maybe it will keep their place safe if the ones around them catch on fire again. Still wondering how the grass on Jerry's place is ever going to be mowed down with all that crud and stuff in there. Oh well. Not my circus.

Have a good book going, so will finish reading that. Have to think about vacuuming in the morning. Joy to the world! Dog hair! Guess it could be worse. It could be cat hair AND dog hair!

May each of you be thankful for life and all the many blessings. Rest well, my friends. You are loved.


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