Thursday, June 17, 2021

Books From the Past.


Books From the Past.

The trouble with getting older is forgetting some of the things that made a difference to a person once upon a time. Some of the details of books, especially, are just vague little memories. This morning two of the authors once loved were tapped again in order to share them with these three boys. One author had a sense of humor that still makes me smile. The other author makes me wonder how our nation ever overcame all the hardships and sadness that came about as we developed into what we so blithely call civilization. Then a conversation with a newer friend reminded me that even during my great-grandparents’ lifetimes, our part of Texas and Oklahoma was pretty wild. The book she mentioned was Captured. It was about the young people who were captured by the Indians. Many of those young men and women became members of tribes, either Apache or Comanche. Even the Wichita and Kiowa took captives from the early pioneer families. Anyway, life was not easy for the folks trying to establish homesteads and any sort of basic livelihoods in this part of the world. Grandmother Pollard was born in 1906 when Oklahoma was still considered Indian Territory. She was brought to Texas to Montague County by wagon. That is pretty hard to imagine. Just considering the many creeks and rivers to cross back then without benefit of bridges or roads seems difficult to me. And we gripe about toll roads and potholes in the pavement!

So, my hens have gone from a dozen a day to six eggs tops! Yep, this heat is hard on all of us. And they wear feathers! But the broody girls were in the four favored nests this morning. Then this afternoon one had moved into a place just filled with loose hay and no box. Not sure if she got too hot or exactly what, but will check her out again in a bit and see if she needs a good dunking in the baby pool to cool her off. These Cuckoo Marans are heavy hens and will suffer more in the heat because of it. Have stopped giving them any scratch so they won’t have excess heat due to the corn content. Bought them a sack of pellets rather than the mash because the mash seems to be going straight to dust out there! Hoping the hens will make it through this summer heat, but not holding my breath. Also have been offered a few fertilized eggs so the broody ones can attempt to hatch something. Have never done that before, but there’s a first time for everything. Think marking the fertile eggs will be necessary, too.

Got in the truck this morning to make a run up to the office of the neurosurgeon. Looked at the bottom of the floorboard in the backseat and discovered that something had shredded a roll of toilet paper normally kept back there, so while at TSC getting feed, a package of glue traps was purchased. One glue trap is now in the back next to the door. Will be going out again in the morning, so we will see if a mouse or rat has become a victim of my anger and dismay!

Yesterday a car stopped in front of my house and a man was dropped off. He went inside Jerry’s house. Did not see him leave, but he must have done so. Anyway, called JoAnn and she came up here and called the police. Eventually the guy came walking up the street and informed her that Jerry always let him stay here. Even though he had a city warrant, the officers said they were not allowed to arrest him for now, but they made him leave. If he comes back, they can arrest him. They also said yours truly just needs to let them know someone is there. Do NOT want my dogs in trouble for biting anyone, and do not want to use a gun on anyone, but both scenarios are possible under the circumstances. Not particularly fond of strangers, especially ones that have been in jail with Jerry.

JoAnn and Smitty came and cleaned up the yard more and mowed it down to the ground. Unless it rains, that grass is gone goslin’! But, of course, the rain may happen again at any time. Our weather is simply the weirdest it has been in ages.

Saw a message on FB this morning about a woman by the name of Jane Scott. She has had cancer and chemo and all the stuff in between. Looks like she will not be here in the morning. Felt so sorry for her husband and family. She has had such a good attitude, but our bodies don’t live on hope and love. So many folks in one of the groups have held her in prayer and in good thoughts of healing, but between the disease itself and the stupid treatments for cancer, it is a wonder she has held on this long. Maybe we really do live on hope and love!

Looks like it is going to be best not to even read the Jerusalem Post or any other news for a bit. Have never seen so much bitterness and anger in this world since the Vietnam War—oh! Pardon me, Police Action! About the best thing someone can do—meaning me—is to pray for the world and for those who are eaten alive by bitterness and anger. It is so unnecessary to be bitter about things that are truly outside of our control. Hello! Just keeping up with the dust bunnies is enough for me. And maybe looking forward to organizing a closet will be something more helpful than considering the horrors of child abductions, sex trafficking, and cartel battles on the border of Texas. May God forgive this world its hatreds and its inhumanity to man. Lord God above, let your kingdom come soon!

May you all rest and have peace of mind. You are loved.



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