Sunday, June 20, 2021

One of Those Days.


One of Those Days.


Ok, first the news of the day: My daughter and her friend were in the friend’s car on the highway in Houston and hit something metal. The tire had to be replaced, and the car has a humongous dent. Have asked Jenn to let me know when they get safely to Galveston. Sheesh!


Then talked to my friend Donna Reeves about her great-grandbaby. The mom and baby are going to be fine, but they have been through their share of drama since the child’s birth. Know that Donna is now breathing easier. At least she felt safe to come home unless they need her help. She said that the daddy decided to take off a month to stay home with his wife and new baby and their other child. Understand and am SO glad that they are able to do that. It makes a big difference.


Then yours truly made the mistake of reading a bit of news. Oh my! According to the Infernal Revenue Service or the part that decides who gets tax exempt status, folks who teach from the Bible are probably Republicans and are trying to get others to vote Republican, so that means that they CAN’T be tax exempt! Nevermind that Michelle Obama started her own tax-exempt service that gets folks to get out the vote for Democrats. THAT is different since it never even pretended to have any reference to a Bible. Sitting here shaking my head.


Going to have to stay away from the Jerusalem Post. According to articles there, the Israelis don’t think too much of the current president of the U.S. Can’t imagine why. Would never want any other reasons to come out to show folks why other nations can’t stand the person currently in office.


Then there is the possibility of decent weather coming up. The forecast went from 90% to 60% possibility for rain tomorrow. Oh! PLEASE let it rain! Yes, feel sorry for the folks along the Gulf, but danged if we can’t use a good soaking and some cooler temps. Not holding my breath, but certainly would love to see lower temps for a couple of days. My hens would appreciate the lower temps, too. They might even lay an extra egg or two!


Had looked up the profile on my friend Roger and his wife Susan to see what is going on in their lives—yeah, nosy like that, ya know. The last post by Susan said that Kelsey had a broken ankle! Hope she is ok by now. Think that was in April. Anyway, in case folks don’t know, some of us are the nosy types that check and see what is being posted and if you seem ok. Just a different kind of socializing. If we had porch rockers and could see across the street, it might be different.


This haircut might not be much on beauty, but it is certainly comfortable and cool. It pretty well startles me to look in the mirror, but it may just take getting used to it. Afterall, looking out from under a curtain of hair is no longer necessary!


Walking around in the back yard this morning and had to laugh at my critters. The hens think that some kind of treats should be forthcoming. The dogs just want to know if they and their expertise on chasing things might be needed. And no, no treats were handed out, and the dogs got to follow but not chase. They sighed deeply and lay down on the deck to watch me. This evening the water will have to be changed in the hens’ bowls, so then the dogs can play in the water again. Not sure if it is the dogs or the hens that get so much dirt in those bowls. The dogs have a baby pool, but the black bowls must taste better. Dunked the two broody hens again, but don’t think it made even a tiny bit of difference in their attitudes. They just keep going back to the nests. Oh well. Eventually something will change—or not. How long can a silly hen stay broody?


Put on a pair of pants this morning and was surprised to find that they were a bit tight. Now really! Know that exercise has not been one of the choices made often around here lately, but honestly had not thought that much food was being consumed. Maybe it was the popcorn? Did have to laugh at myself, however. The mailman brought an Amazon package today. Had wanted to order some coffee stuff that just tastes so good once in a while. The package delivered was four POUNDS of Café d’Vita. Dear hearts, that is a L A R G E pack of coffee flavoring. Will have to send a small Ziplock home with Michelle when she comes up on Tuesday. And then we will see if Connie likes the stuff, too. It takes two tablespoons to one eight-ounce cup, but still. Anyway, that should last a bit longer than the small packages. Grinning


Sharon Dickerson brought some Skin So Soft oil for my dogs. It seems to be helping them. Not sure if it keeps the creepy crawlies at bay or if it just nourishes the skin, but the dogs are not scratching like they were. Thank you SO much, Sharon.


Have just enough of a headache to make me think that the barometric pressure must be changing. Or maybe it is my attitude about life that keeps making me look over my shoulder at what is going on around me. Not much telling. But as there is not much likelihood of changing either the barometric pressure or the BS going on around me, will just take something for the headache and go on. Meanwhile, let us all be thankful for the love we have been given. They call this Father’s Day. EACH day is my Father’s Day. So glad to know that He loves me and all those in this world.


Rest well and find something to make you smile. You are loved.




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