Monday, January 31, 2022

Forgetfulness...And That Other Stuff!

 This is really not a new post. I am just kinda tired and doing a rerun.

Forgetfulness is not so bad.  In fact, it is actually pretty handy as a reason for not showing up somewhere or otherwise not doing whatever was expected.  Someone will ask me, “Don’t you remember that we wanted you to . . .?”  Well, the answer is usually no.  A deep sigh or a shrug of the shoulders just means that one of us is forgetful.


And then there is that hearing thing.  Sometimes people think that they have told someone something, when, in fact, they really just thought about it.  When we all become mind readers, we will probably have other problems—confusion comes to mind.  But when the person who sits in the chair across the room from us hears about half or less of what is said, well, that can cause some interesting situations.


“Why did you move the truck?”


“Didn’t you say you needed to move the truck so you could mow?”


“No, I said I will take the truck to be washed after I mow.”


Oh, life is definitely more interesting for the forgetful, the hard of hearing, and . . .what were those other things?

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