Saturday, January 8, 2022

Beans and Things.

 Beans and Things.


Even though the dogs—especially Thompson—did not express any great appreciation for the navy beans, both of them ate their second meal of the day while cleaning their bowls. Mashed up the beans, mixed that with canned corn and rice, and then stirred in the chopped pork. Yep, they may have gas, but at least they enjoyed the meal. It seems really strange how much of a difference this kind of food has made in their coats and their energy levels. Sylvia just thinks that they should play almost non-stop. Well, when she isn’t sleeping and snoring up a few sawed logs.


Still have not mopped the kitchen floor. Maybe tomorrow. Cooking means standing up to do most of the prep work and then shoveling the results into Ziplock gallon bags. Standing seems to wear me out faster than even walking around outside. At least it has been a beautiful day, however, so going outside has been worth the effort.


The mailman brought something from the Social Security office to tell me that a raise was imminent. Can’t imagine what our lives would be like if we had received all that we put in at one fell swoop. Might even be worth moving to Ecuador or some country with an American community of ex-pats and a lower cost of living. Have read articles by some who have claimed that having a house keeper, cook, and whatever else they wanted was so much easier to afford in other countries. Still, living in Texas has been my life for 73 years plus, so guess this is where the old woman will stay.


Received a card from a woman who was also a member of the PTA group when my children were in the local elementary school. Susan was one of the sweetest women around, and then she volunteered for Bethania Hospital. Saw her there when Lewis went in for heart surgery and told her how the nurses had left him in a room without a call button and shut the door. Talk about a dangerous situation! So glad something made me go back up there that night. He would have never made it home. If a person goes into the hospital, someone needs to be with the person.


Two of the eggs laid today got broken when a nest was knocked over. Not sure if the weight of the hen did that or exactly what, but eventually will have to rearrange the nests so that they can’t be moved or knocked over. Funny how things like a nest can work one direction for a long time until one of the hens decides to waltz around the rim of the nest.


After all the cold days and the necessity for heaters going almost all day each day, it feels almost too warm to me. Michelle Malay says that she can’t take enough clothes off in the summer to get cool. That has always been my attitude. Can always put more on; just can’t go bare enough to do any good. Besides, it is not socially acceptable.


Have not read anything worth mentioning, so will just remind everyone to enjoy each day—no matter what kind of weather it might bring. Lots of good things to think about and plenty of folks with whom we can share our love just among family members.

Rest well and be happy with the life God gave you. You are loved.



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