Friday, July 8, 2022

Miserable Heat!

 Miserable Heat!


Misery does NOT appreciate company, Dear Hearts. The hand towel around my neck gets hot almost as fast as the water in the chicken bowls! The headache that has been hanging around for two days is not helping either. How does anyone work outside in this mess? The dogs brought my attention to a man in a bright yellow shirt who seems to be working on the underground cables with an entire crew who are currently parked over on North Church Street. Crazy! Just going outside to give the hens clean water made the frames of my glasses get hot!!


Got up at 5 to start this day and have both bathrooms, Hanan’s room, the office, my bedroom, and the hall dust mopped and the trash taken out. Just have to do the living room and kitchen in the morning—maybe! It is just a bit much. Both dogs are panting as if they can’t get cool. May take them out and hose them down and then let them back inside. It might be messy, but at least they would cool off. 


Bought four sacks of lay mash this morning at the Feed and Garden Store. They load them up for me, but the old woman had to pull them into the wagon and dump them in the bins. Two bags dumped and two still in the wagon inside the front coop. The man at the desk said that it is impossible to get oats right now even to plant. That means that it may be impossible to get lay mash soon. Oh! joy to the world! Oh, and four sacks (50 lb each) was $75. They had farm eggs for sale at $4.00 a dozen. If these silly hens were not more pets than anything, someone would have to come get them. But three eggs were in the nests today. Sigh

The heat is not quite as bad now as it was earlier. It was 118 on the gauge on the deck. The hens did not even bother to come out from under the deck when the water started squirting under there. My guess is that they are learning how to enjoy the wet stuff.


Ok, two wet dogs in the living room now. Thompson is on his bed and Sylvia is on the rug under my desk. At least they should be a bit cooler and not need to pant as much. Can’t do much for the hens, but such is life.


Is a state in our union a bit cooler than Texas right now? Alaska? Think one of the rewilders is headed there. The year we were there with our cruise, they were having one bodacious hot summer, so maybe they are not all that much cooler than we are. Honestly am so very glad that God has blessed me with a home and shelter from the bad stuff. A friend told me her electric bill was $384 last month. But at least she can pay it. What if we did not have a home or food? Not many places would allow a homeless person access to AC and food—or even a shower! We have a tendency to take blessings for granted—well, at least this old woman does. For shame!


Not going to strain your eyes today. Appreciated Keith’s reading of Emily Dickinson’s Hope is a feathered thing. Always loved her poetry. The Slender Fellow in the Grass amused me.


May you each appreciate what God has given us. Return His love to others. Rest well. You are loved.

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