Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Little Reminders.

 Little Reminders.


Sharon called today and was talking about a recipe for ice cream made at home. It called for eggs, and she felt hesitant about using eggs in her homemade ice cream. Then she reminded me that she had been told that fresh eggs could sit on the cabinet for two weeks. That is true of FARM eggs that have not been washed. Dear Hearts, NEVER leave store bought eggs out of the fridge. Those things have had the bloom washed off. Second thing: homemade ice cream can be made with instant puddings and turn out pretty well. Add fruit as preferred.


Remember when everyone was working from home? Well, it’s time to do it again. This time it is the heat that will kill us instead of the freaking virus. Some jobs require a person to be there in person—nurses, doctors, most medical professionals, firemen, police, and ambulance drivers. Read that Ft. Worth had over a thousand fires to put out yesterday and last night. Then saw a video of Mustang, TX showing fireworks bursting into the skies all over that town. That is insane! Thought a few hostile thoughts last night around 3 when some idiot blew something up down at the boat ramp. My poor dogs were so upset last night that they would not go out to do their business unless I went with them and then they streaked back inside. Have no idea how many calls our firemen took, but we have a burn ban because it is so extremely dry. Folks who live in Archer can sit on the side of the lake and shoot fireworks all night, but their county is just as dry as ours!


Got my last x-ray for this back thing today. Tomorrow will see the doctor, and that should be the end of it. Also got what might be the last doctor’s bill from the surgeon--$10. The insurance did a much better job than expected for covering all of this mess. The hospital was the most expensive for me. Oh well. Never want to do this again, but am not sorry to have had the surgery. It worked very well.


Bought some groceries after leaving the Clinic. Got a piece of steak that was on sale. Going to have to give up doing that. One out of every six bites can be chewed and the rest just wallowed. That must have been a tough ol’ cow! The dogs are not really fond of turkey—ground or otherwise—but that is what they got for their evening meal mixed with some cooked potatoes. Personally, think veggies are going to be my favorite foods as age catches up with my teeth and digestive tract. Broccoli and cheese, potatoes and cheese made as twice baked potato soup, carrots and snap peas, asparagus and sauce—just about any of those are better than a tough steak. Oh well.


The horrors of this past weekend are too much like a nightmare. Things seem to result in making us all want to avoid any type of crowd or any place that is out in the open. God help us! Not all the psychiatric services in the world could stop this insanity. Read a book about a teacher who had a student attack her and try to choke her to death. The administrator did nothing to help because helping the student or the others in the classroom would cost the school money. That situation is not education; it is warehousing. It may be that some of the people who are causing so many problems are just that kind of former student—someone who never got the help needed to keep him from going off the deep end. Whatever the reasons for the violence, we need changes in our society.


Three eggs today. Can’t even gripe, but in a couple of days a trip to get lay mash will be necessary. Sigh. The fattest doves in the county! Too bad someone doesn’t want to come trap them and take them home. One kind has no season. And none of them are particular which kind of feed that they steal. Such is life.


Honestly can’t think of anything even slightly amusing or uplifting to mention, so will tell you that the old woman is going to come home from the doctor’s office tomorrow and hibernate for the rest of the week. Reading under the AC is fairly easy work. Changing out the water for the birds is the hottest act of each day—besides looking at the temperature gauge! It was 108 just about thirty minutes ago! But at least the neighborhood is quiet for now. Wait until about ten and we will see what else comes along.


May you all find a comfortable place to rejoice in life. Know that God has blessed us beyond all others with the opportunities to show His love. Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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