Friday, April 22, 2022

Stir Fry Stewing!

 Stir Fry Stewing!


It is not terribly hot this afternoon, but the air—even with the wind—feels sticky! The temperature is only 85, but the wind is blowing at 21 mph to remind us that it is never going to be still as long as the sky has even one cloud up there! Here we sit needing a few days of soaking rain while Arkansas makes folks who have been to Vietnam think about rice and rotten fish! At least, that is what Sterling said yesterday about the humidity. Not that they don’t have wind as well!


The hens have not been upset by the wind today and still laid eggs like clockwork. So happy to see them going out of the coop every morning as if they are ready to get to work out in the grass finding whatever it is that they eat out there. Some of that stuff has to be grass or other green stuff because the grass is not getting all that tall in most of the yard and in other places in the east lots. The only truly tall grass is at the end of the water line where the apple tree is planted. Someday maybe that tree will produce fruit for someone to enjoy. Meanwhile, it just makes me happy that it lives there and has blooms on it.


Have been semi-watching the comings and goings across the street. Today the red truck backed in with a load of doors and windows. Am betting that it won’t be long before they will have that place ready to sell. The girl that has been working so diligently on the inside every day got outside with a lawnmower and cut about half of the grass. Not sure if the mower quit or if she ran out of gas, but it still needs the high stuff cut. Know a mattress or the springs can be found back in one of those corners, too. That should be interesting. Would not want to be around to see what comes out from under it.


Sylvia would really like to become a Cheetos addict. She doesn’t exactly beg, but it is quite obvious that she feels slighted unless she gets at least a couple of hands full of those little yellow bits. They are pretty addictive! The tiny little bits are the ones that bug me. Why not make them all long and crispy? Oh well. Sylvia will take the little bits and grin about it.


Just gave both dogs a bento ball to keep them busy. Thompson just sits there and calmly licks on his. Not Sylvia! She wants to figure out how to get it out of the holder so she can really chomp on it! Hers is the big holder. It only slows her down marginally, but if she can take the smaller one away from Thompson, it will disappear quickly! Funny dogs.


Honestly about as dumb as dirt today. Nothing on the computer really makes me smile or laugh. Well, love to see a lady pulling her old dog around in a wagon so the dog can enjoy “walking” with her. When your dog gets to be seventeen and has health problems, you just do whatever it takes to make both of you happy. That is love.


After listening to the young man at Walmart tell me that they could not get anyone to work for them, it has been on my mind. This happens to almost every business out there. HOW is a business to stay open if no one works? Where is the American work ethic? Maybe work and patriotism went the way of the dodo birds? Truth, honesty, punctuality, pride—are these just words for the dictionary now? We know the economy will not improve until people begin to work and take care of themselves. And our government will not improve unless people begin to take personal responsibility for themselves—including the dip sticks who believe they can run the rest of us into the ground with taxes and laws that they can personally disregard!


Sorry, will try to stow my soapbox. It is just somewhat depressing to see that most people think that they don’t have to work in any way whatsoever. Many of the folks like me who are on social security still do whatever they can to help out—working without wages. It might just be doing cafeteria duty and opening milk cartons or working two days a week at the food pantry, but Dear Hearts, every little bit helps. Maybe old folks like me are just here as an example to the kids. Let us do what we can to encourage others to help our nation see the satisfaction that comes from a job well done.


Sorry, the soapbox slipped out. Until next time, let’s pray for our nation and those that are terrorized by bullies and dipsticks full of self-pride and delusions of grandeur! Personally, praying for those today who mourn, who fear, who are ill beyond words. May God give them peace.


Rejoice in the promises. You are loved!

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