Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Here's Hoping.

 Here’s Hoping.


Down around the Metromess they are expecting storms tonight. All we have in the forecast is more wind without rain or anything that might provide moisture. Wish both of the kids had a cellar down there, but even the one with a cellar might not know when something is about to hit. Love the weather alarms that can be downloaded onto phones. Sterling doesn’t use that kind of phone or alarm, but Arkansas and the country east of his place is lined up for more storms. They even had snow last week. One person whose pictures make Washington State look amazing on FB has posted pictures of snow on that coast. Don’t think they were exactly expecting winter to return, much less buckets full of snow outside!


Sterling’s wife Jacqui went to the dermatologist yesterday to have a cancer spot removed from one of her ears. They got all of the cancer, so now all she has to do is heal. That in itself is sometimes easier said than done, but it is heartening to think that she won’t be bothered with this stuff again. She and Cindy Jones have a lot in common that way. But Cindy’s cancer was on her dominant hand, so that was much more awkward! Let’s pray that they both heal completely.


Have a blanket up over the curtain rod in the living room so that the AC unit can blow despite the curtains. It may not be all that hot to others, but the heat is getting to this old woman. Can’t imagine how it would affect me without the AC. Gripey, or more so than usual.


The dogs have been on a tear this afternoon. Sylvia insists that something is in the toy box that needs to be taken out for her. Finally, just dumped the box and moved it to the other side of the room. Silly critters!


Connie came today and changed the bandage on my back for me. The one the doctor put on came loose because of all the movement and sweating that was involved in our rounds yesterday. Will just hope that this one will do its job without any need to be replaced soon. At the medical supply place where she found the large bandages, each dressing was eleven dollars. Amazon was much, much cheaper! Ordered some to keep in case. Probably won’t need more than the one extra she bought. Surely hope not, anyway.


Just gave these two dogs some barky bark jerky. They can only have ONE piece each. They are not very happy. But more than one makes their stomachs growl and rumble. Have to be a mean ol’ woman sometimes.


Honestly don’t know much. Just flipping through the news is mostly about the crazy weather we are seeing. Let’s pray that this is not the beginning of a wild year with more storms and fires. Just the wind has been enough here to drive some of us to the closets for more allergy pills. Had to search thoroughly in order to find some a while ago! Of all things not to have handy!


Let us be grateful for everything from bird songs to green grass. Our lives are never guaranteed to be easy, but at least we can think about the joys we find in each day. May you see and feel the many joys given to us.


Rest well and know that you are loved.



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