Saturday, June 4, 2022




Can you believe the price of drugs? Dr. Blackwell wanted me to take some antibiotics just to guard against some kind of infection caused by bacteria that cats carry—pasturella. What ever that is, the drug without insurance—just the cash price—was $57.45. Even though my insurance covers this stuff, Walgreens still wanted nearly $40. I refused to get the prescription filled. Today, Dr. B told me to try again at Walmart and use a coupon she had--$10.91. Much better. So, for the first time ever, the old woman went to the Walmart pharmacy on Lawrence. The pharmacy was closed, but they filled it anyway and let me take it to the front to pay for it. Don’t like that store even a tiny bit, but the pharmacist (Tony F) was very nice. He was stumbling around on a bad knee and is to FINALLY see a surgeon about it to see what can be done on Tuesday. Will be praying for him that he can get it done quickly and that it will be totally healed.


Have just about decided that exercise might help me feel better, but knowing what kind of exercise is the hard part. It feels really stupid to do repetitive, nonproductive movements instead of working on the house or something. Maybe dust mopping twice a day would work. The dogs have certainly done a great job of tracking in dirt on their wet feet. SO glad to have the rain, however! Now to get the mower to going good and have one of the boys mow for me.


Closed the side door on the chicken coop in an attempt to keep the stupid ducks and doves out. Nope. That did not work. Opened the door and stood to one side for the flock to fly out. Thompson had one dove in his mouth and a frustrated look on his face. Just too many birds to choose from flying around in there! Have no idea how to keep the wild birds out unless a BB gun would work. Probably get arrested.


Lance has been sending us pictures. He and Tracy are in Anchorage. Totally beautiful. Know it is too cold for living there and the price of living there is completely unreal, but it is just amazing to see those mountains and the ocean around there. Hope they enjoy every minute of their cruise.


Think a haircut is next on my agenda. Can’t keep my bangs out of my eyes. And it is getting hotter, so it is a good time to take some weight off the top! Will have to call and see when Amber at Spa Bella might have time to hack this mess off.


Sterling called and said that Marion told him that sending me one of his airplane-whirlygigs was going to cost a small fortune to send in the mail. He said mailing it was still going to be cheaper than a tank of gas to come see me. If this making things keeps him happy, that is all that really matters. Sitting still has never been easy for either of us. He was laughing at my story of getting kitten bitten and told me that insanity was inherited—usually you get it from your kids, but in his case, he thinks he got it from me. Hmm.


The ground has the perfect level of moisture to dig out khaki weeds, but not sure either of the boys would be willing to put in another day of digging those things out. Wish something would more easily get rid of them, but any kind of poison would more likely hurt my dogs or hens. Just don’t like using any kind of poison anyway!


Know less than one of those hens out back. Grumpier than usual and disgusted in general, so maybe it is just as well that the pharmacies are getting the brunt of my disgust. Will just say that it does not make sense that the richest country in the world cannot sell drugs for a decent price or provide birth control, antibiotics, or drug prevention for free. Sitting here shaking my head.


Please remember Sterling, Barbara, Mariellen Rose, and others who are dealing with health problems. Let’s pray for those who are mourning and dealing with PTSD and other types of shock caused by the violence we are seeing everywhere. May God give us peace.


Rest, rejoice in nature, and find calmness in each day. You are loved.



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