Sunday, May 30, 2021

More--and Heavy--Sneezes!

 Dear Hearts, let me explain to you why folks sneeze. It requires a nose and maybe a throat. And itchy eyes. Then have everyone in the freaking neighborhood--yourself included in that mess--cut their grass within hours of one another. Be sure to do the weed whacking that can stir up bits of molded grass and leaves plus a good, strong helping of dirt. Go inside. Take a hot shower and wash thoroughly. Apply clean clothes for the second time today. Do laundry to wash those clothes so the grass and dust get washed out of the pipes onto the yard to make the grass grow again. Go back outside while the neighbor to the south is cutting the grass in his field. Stand next to the dwarf cherry trees and nibble on the little cherries. All this while talking to oldest child. He had to trim up his Australian Sheep dog and take their Russian tortoise out for some exercise. Boris walks all the way around the base of the fence attempting to find even a tiny crack. Sneaky critter. That was just exactly the attitude of the Hamburg hens taken to Paducah. BR may still be cussing me!

Have two tiny mockingbird babies in the nest. Here's hoping that they get to be grown ups someday. Right now they are all mouth. No noise, just open beaked. Momma has not attacked me so far. But then, the babies are tiny and not trying to sit on the edge of the nest. Wait a couple of weeks for the dive bombing to start.

Lance saw the sunflower circle that includes corn and squash in it. Have considered taking the fence down now, but wondering if the squash has a chance at all with the hens. They would probably eat it blooms and all! Anyway, the sunflowers are taller than me! The blooms look as if they are going to be fairly good sized, too. Lance wanted to know if it had been planted with chicken poo. LOL  But of course! Every hole in the yard either gets full of hens or full of poo! Was trying to show Lance the grapes on the vine on the deck and stepped in a hole. Didn't fall, but it made me feel pretty dumb. Usually watch where my feet are going.

Moved things around in the living room again. Have the couch with its back to the room and enough room between it and the wall for my papa san chair. And my desk now faces the bookcase. The TV is over by the door--out of the way or with plenty of room to turn and watch it.

Got a message from one of the boys today. He had lost his billfold and was hoping it might be here. Stripped the couch and felt around, but no such critter appeared. Decided right then and there that the couch covers needed to be cleaned. They smelled just a bit like my favorite four-footed loves. 

Other than going up to Stripes for gasoline for the mower today and then stopping by the post box, my day has been almost normal--yes, cutting grass is normal around here. Work, but still normal. Connie called me back this afternoon because she wanted me to know that everything was ok. Rebekah called her this morning--R is not a morning person--and it surprised Connie. She worries about R. At least Connie has one member of her family left.

Lance told me that his favorite aunt--only one he knows--called him on his birthday the other day. She does not call many folks, it seems. Guess she feels that he is pretty special. Tending to agree with that estimation about both of the kids. What can a mother do except love 'em with all her heart?

When Lance called and yours truly wanted to show him the yard on the call, guess which silly ol' woman looked around herself for her phone while talking to him? Losing my fuzzy bunny mind! Am reminded of Mom looking for her glasses when they were on her nose. She couldn't see very well, dadgumit, and just knew her glasses would help! Yep, seem to be getting there. sigh

Know hardly anything except that this is allergy season--with more rain on the way to help that grass grow! Hope that each of you has plenty of appreciation for God's green earth. 

Rest well and don't overdo it out there! You are loved.

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