Monday, May 10, 2021

Color Contrasts!

 Hardly any colors are as pretty in contrast as bright yellows and deep blues. Just in my estimation, at least. The Bachelor Buttons and those wild, waving yellow flowers--sorry, their names escape me--stand out there waving around like banners of beauty. Spring can be so utterly lovely that it takes away one's breath. Or so it seems to me. My friend Robin probably feels the same way up there in Ohio where she has moved. Certainly beats the dry desert landscape of Nevada. And then there is the vibrant green of the grass. The trees, yes, they are are also green, but not nearly as green as the grass. Of course, the black hens strutting around on the grass make a lovely contrast, too. Ah, spring.

But one of the Black-laced Wyandottes fell over dead by the steps of the deck this morning. Almost bet she was the one that was caught inside the feed bin yesterday. Poor baby. Chickens do not deal well with stress. Or she could have failed to remove her happy tail feathers out of the way fast enough to keep the dogs from running over her. They can certainly knock me down, so it is not any wonder that the hens don't stand a chance! Thankfully, that has not been the case of running over the ol' woman except the one time. It did not take any time at all to learn to watch for them!

My friend Vicki is supposed to pick up eggs this afternoon. Who knows if that will actually happen. Her life and taking care of her invalid husband make things very uncertain. Makes me glad not to have to deal with that sort of situation.--AH! They had a reaction to the Covid shot! Ouch and yuck!

Thought the boys would be here this morning, but was informed that their trip to South Texas was an entire weekend affair. So they may or may not be here tomorrow. Not that it matters that much which days they come. My time is pretty open mostly.

It has been downright cool today. Can't imagine needing the ceiling fan in the bedroom tonight. Even wearing an extra shirt over my tee-shirt today. We got a little shower earlier today and the forecast is for the same tomorrow. Sixty degrees and wet is ok. Beats 120 in the shade any day!

May finish re-reading The Scarlet Letter tonight so it will be easier to take time to read Nineteen Eighty-four. Have to make notes as each book is read so it is easier to discuss the books and the story lines. At least The Scarlet Letter is not as totally boring as Moby Dick. Had to read that book for three separate classes and hated it more each time. And then had to read Billy Budd! Actually, that one, even unfinished by Melville, was a better book in my opinion. Oh well.

Have accomplished zero today. For all my good intentions, some days it is hard to get anything done other than just what has to be done. Make the bed, take care of the critters, do some study prep, and clear off my desk. Did manage to do some vocabulary research in preparation for having some study for the boys. It has been years since those words and sentences were chosen, so have now noticed that some of the words could have been used in two or more sentences. But it is not like they are getting a grade. Just learning the meanings and how they can be used is sufficient for the time being. This is college prep material, so at their age and with their background, they will be getting some good ideas for later on. 

Noticed that some of the folks reading the blog mentioned that they had read Exodus--the novel--more than once. Reading it at 13, don't think it would have been a good idea to have read it the second time. Horrifying descriptions of the Holocaust were so bad that they stayed with me for ages. The political and military descriptions of the 1948 settlement and uprisings in Israel did not come across quite as terrifying as it might have been had the movie been around back then. Now it makes sense. But it is even more horrifying to realize that the land of Israel is more turbulent now than it has ever been. It has even made me understand that the Maccabees were not unlike the religious police state of Iran in some ways. Live our way or else has always been one of the horrors of living under a religious government. Thus the Puritans were guilty of murdering witches. Not a lot of difference, really.

Have you ever noticed that if you need double A batteries, you will have plenty of triple A or even D batteries but not the ones you need. Well, my desk drawer has a goodly supply of double A and absolutely none of triple A. Years ago the gift to Mom of a little flower that opened and closed was something that she enjoyed. It was so much fun to find something like that she could play with. The bunny rabbit that she carried around was easier for her. She did not have to remember that it had a button to push. And she was even kind enough to allow one of her "friends" to come take it off of her bed. She knew it would come back to her. But the flower became too much for her to remember. So now it is on my dresser. Guess a couple of batteries won't be hard to find next time a trip to Harbor Freight comes along. Even found a decent screw driver to remove the little battery holder! How is that for a surprise!

Remembering Mom is always a double edged sword. Daddy said that Mom had a "root of bitterness" that lived in her. She did have things that she could not forgive until she just lost that part of her mind. But when we were growing up, no one could have asked for a better mother. She did her best to be a good mom and a good wife. She was a good example to me as a young woman. And she was kind to so many others who needed help. She left me a good example, for the most part.

Got a letter from the latest president saying that the total of his gift to Americans should be $2000--$1400 and then $600. Not sure when that happened, but will not gripe one way or the other. Just know that whatever money goes into the bank account actually came from the American people in the first place. sigh  Amazing how easy it becomes to "find" money for all sorts of projects despite the lack of national income. Ah, but such is the desperation that holds us all in hopes of coming out of this mess with the ability to survive the increases in taxes and the price of basic goods. So, stay at home and don't use gasoline if at all possible--never mind staying sane.

Pardon my cynicism. 

The dogs have suddenly decided that they like the "cookies" that Michelle brought the other day. The bars contain cheese and bacon, so it is not any wonder that they want to paw the box and attempt to convince me that they "need" another one. Nope, have no inclination to be in the same room with the resulting fumes!

Amazing! Just looked out the back deck door to see what the dogs had discovered to bark about and saw--of all things--a mocking bird building a nest in a colander on the shelf above the grape vine! She has apparently been at it for a day or so--or longer. She had an entire beak full of little pieces of stuff to stick inside that thing. Guess it will be a good nesting site as it won't hold water and is fairly well protected. Just can't imagine what will happen as the little ones come out of the nest. Will have to keep the hens away from there so they don't kill her babies as they fall on the deck. The dogs--well, that is another challenge. Thought she was making a nest in the Nandini bushes, but guess she thought this was a better site. Nature always amazes me!

Have discovered that dill pickles don't cause indigestion. They are almost as good as ginger! Nibbles on pickles might get me through the evening.

Danged cottontail rabbits! Really wish the wabbits would stay out of the sight of the front windows! Honestly think Thompson would go straight out the window if it were only a screen up there. Remember once that my silly Kennedy grandfather was laughing at Satchmo--his black Catahoula cow dog--because the dog saw its reflection in the living room window. Granddad said, "Well, get 'em, Satch!" He did--right through the window, glass and all. Guess that taught Granddad Kennedy a lesson! Some of us know better!

Will hope that all of you find some joy in each day and at least one or two things to make you laugh. We need some good laughter right about now. The world is too danged serious. 

Rest well and enjoy your days. You are loved.

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