Monday, April 26, 2021


 Happy hens are out there checking out the newly mown grass and weeds. Not sure why they like it so much, but maybe it is more tender or something. Whatever, they hardly waited until the mower was in the other side of the yard before they took off for the east side of the place. Not sure if they are really happy or if that is just my thoughts about getting it finished. 

Been a busy day, but nothing much got accomplished. DID get one copy of the GTG on a flash drive. Now to do one more to have it printed out and bound. This just drives me stark raving not to be able to do it the way it was once done. Everything seems to have changed on MS Word and the way things open up on the screens. And yes, Jennifer, Google tried to help me. sigh

Had a nice conversation with Sharon Dickerson this afternoon. She is such a sweetheart! We share a lot of the same attitudes, too. Can't imagine how much mischief we would have been in had we lived closer! 

The boys came and we worked on English. One of them had to run to the doctor's office with an infected finger. KNOW how that can hurt. Toes and fingers are so sensitive--well, and other parts like one's nose, too. 

Jennifer left some Bai water here the other day. Can see how that would be easy to want more often. Addictive already! This one is Costa Rica Clementine. Umm.

Think my sister-in-law is coming tomorrow if nothing rips, rears, or ravels. Looking forward to see what she thinks of the yard and its flowers. It is wild looking, but that is how flowers normally grow. The yards that are all put into little plots and arranged in patches of grass or walkway just seem too artificial. But that is just one ol' woman's opinion.

It's supposed to rain for the next couple of days. Mr. Anderson's remark: "It either will or it won't." Yep. It's Texas. God gave Texans patience, and what they didn't get the first time, they learned eventually. 

Honestly feel about as dumb as a hibernating tortoise. Just keep having indigestion despite the baking soda, acid reducers, pickle juice, ad nauseum. Not very interested in doing anything other than what just has to be done. Not exactly lazy, just indifferent. Such is life.

May you all rest well this night and enjoy waking to a new day. You are loved. 

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