Monday, April 19, 2021

Monday, Monday!

 The Mamas and the Papas might have enjoyed this particular Monday. The sun has shown, the birds have sung, and the hens have squawked just enough to make Thompson howl. Now not everyone might appreciate the hens squawking and the dog howling, but it makes me smile. And it was not so cool today that we needed a fire lit in the kitchen. That was nice. But tomorrow promises to deteriorate into a cold night--32 or under for long enough to kill tender plants. So tomorrow will see a bunch of vessels brought into the house and others that are too big to move will be covered with something. Not sure at this point what will be used, but something. Have two very large tomato plants in the whiskey barrels (the ones that never saw whiskey!) and some begonias and lobelia that can easily be brought inside. So the kitchen may get a little cluttered. It could be worse.

JoAnn came today and FILLED two trash bins with crap. Then she attempted to put them alongside the road. It never occurred to me to show her which direction to point them, so had to go out later and attempt to turn them around pointing the dumping side toward the road. That was fun--not! Anyway, she can do it again on Thursday so that they can be dumped again on Friday. It will be about six months before Jerry can come along and try to take care of his place again. Not that we can expect anything to improve in that area. So let's hope that the yard gets mowed and the grass does not get high enough to be a fire hazard. As it is, the field down and across from me is already too high, but it is not dried out yet. Give it time. Tony Zupkas does not care until the city comes along and makes him mow it. Argh!

Have been reading some history about the Cuban Missile Crisis. Kennedy had just finished reading Barbara Zuckerman's book that showed why the world wars had occurred--lack of communication or miscommunication was one of the problems. Anyway, Kennedy was determined not to cause a nuclear war or any other kind if that was possible. He succeeded, thank God! As children, we practiced getting under our desks at school. AS IF that would have helped. And we were all very aware that nuclear explosions could blind people who looked at them. Two planes exploded over an area close to Petrolia during that time. SAFB swore it had not happened. Well, duh. The entire town was lit up and it was obvious that at least one plane had exploded. But what did just normal ol' humans know? Yep, and now the Navy is saying that they have recordings of UFOs or whatever the term is now. Life just keeps getting more and more interesting these days.

My flowers just keep getting prettier. The sage (the kind you use in cooking) has blooms all over it and is so neat looking. Wish cooking with spices was something that was easier to do. Have rosemary, sage, and thyme, but hardly know much about using them.

Going to have to take another allergy pill before bedtime. Sneezing just about is an exercise all by itself! Then there is the snorting and blowing! Oh well. At least the air has no dust from Amarillo in it currently. Just pollen. From here. 

My grape vine is covering the east corner of the deck. The Seven Sisters rose is right under and mixed in with it. Wish the hens were not so resourceful and wouldn't eat all the grapes this year. Not even sure what kind they are since they never make it to a stage that shows their color. Oh well. Just stopped to think and wonder if anything around here could cover my two little cherry trees. Certainly would like to keep those cherries on there. Hmm. A blanket or a sheet? Not sure that would work, but may have to try. Have no great big sheets of plastic that would work. Oh well. That is for tomorrow's work.

UPS reminded me that they expect to drop off a package tomorrow--the new bed frame. That will have to be put in the middle of the living room floor. Good thing dances don't take place around this house very often--only when the danged fire ants get in my pants! Picked up a tray outside and knocked off the dirt--covered my pants leg in fire ants. Let me tell you, dear hearts, those little black SOBs hurt like everything. Then the bites get infected and make sores! And nothing is a natural enemy of fire ants. Guess if they had a natural enemy, the enemy would probably take us out, too! Wonder if an anteater could eat these suckers. From the claws on the anteaters, however, that might not be a great idea. sigh

The little kid across the road and next to my land has asked me to get his ball out of my place a couple of times. Finally just left it there when Sylvia had had enough of his balls. She ATE the basketball and tore the soccer ball to pieces. Then she started on the little bowling ball things. These are not regular sized balls or toys. They probably belong to his little sister. Ornery little twit! Oh well. Told him about the metal dart found out there and warned him not to be throwing things across the fence. Eventually will have to speak to his grandmother--whether or not she will listen and correct him is another situation. How do people put up with neighbors so darned close in the big cities. Lance says that his next door neighbor has a few hens in their yard. Offered him a couple. He was not interested. tee hee

Finally moved my laptop to the office. Now this desk just has the upright computer (all-in-one is what it is called) and a few books on it. Have to try to keep this desk uncluttered so things will be handy in the future.

Connie came this afternoon and brought me some sea bass. She had more than she needed and just donated these pieces to the cause--me being a cause all by myself! Asked her where she buys this stuff--TV! She does the home shopping channel and just buys stuff. In my estimation that kind of channel is a little bit akin to gambling--very addictive. Says the woman who buys things from!

Need to look up how to make this cursor big enough for me to see it. Did that on the laptop, but am not sure memory will serve me to do it again. Seems like it is in personalization. Will see--that being the main problem since my eyes are not very helpful these days. Ah, life goes on.

Sharon Dickerson's niece has been able to return home and may be getting over the infection in her gut. Hospitals are absolutely no fun at all. Let's all try to stay healthy and remember those who need our prayers. Especially the families of those who have been involved with several shootings lately. And no, it is not time to get rid of guns. Hello! The first murder on earth took place when one brother clobbered his other brother with a ROCK! One of the shootings here in Texas involved a man whose wife accused him of child abuse and wanted a divorce. Sounded like someone who was taking any way out of a marriage and trying to get the guy killed. Sad, just sad. Have a friend whose ex did the same thing to him. And he was not guilty at all, but proving innocence is not all that easy. Time to walk away. But hard to do.

Ok, the days are getting longer--the birds are not ready to go in at 6:30 any longer--so summer is on its way. Enjoy this beautiful spring weather while you can. 

Rest well, my friends, and thank God for all His blessings bestowed upon us. You are loved.

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