Monday, February 14, 2022

Prep Work.

 Prep Work.


Ah, did ya know that pre-surgical work has to be done a week or more before surgery. Well, now ya know. Got a couple of swabs inside my nose—one of which smelled a lot like my old microwave after something burned inside! Bleah. The sweet nurse came to my truck and did the swabs and said they would let me know if the tests came back positive. Really hoping they were negative. Then we have a pre-op covid test just a few days before surgery. Guess that makes sense. Deep sigh.


Patty called the City of WF today to find out if they would come to her driveway next to the mailbox to pick up her trash bin. Yep, they will start doing that pretty soon. This way yours truly will not be hauling it up here across from my house.


Patty also is trying to find someone to come to her house to trim the nails on her two little muttniks. Suggested putting them in carriers and hauling their happy tails to Western Hills Clinic, but she did not want me to have to pick them up. Roxie might have been just fine, but Rudy gets spooked pretty easily. Probably better to just not get them away from their mom. Plus, Roxie gets excited and twiddles all over! Poor creature.


Have not been all that hungry today, but still have some broccoli salad to finish off anyway. Wish coffee in the afternoon did not keep me awake all night, but night owls would have nothing on me with any kind of caffeine after 10 a.m. Oh well.


Bought a book—actually meant it for the granddaughter, but Lance said thank you, so he assumed it was for him. It’s just fine. Maybe she will read it—or not. She really does not enjoy reading that much. The book’s title is something like Why Every Girl Needs a Daddy. Know I really needed mine growing up. Think Jennifer did, too. For that matter, every boy needs a daddy. Men have such an important place in the grand scheme of life. God knew what He was doing.


Absolutely as dumb as dirt this evening and just don’t really feel like talking or writing. Will suggest that all of us can pray for peace and healing in this world. God knows what we need better than we do.


Rest well, my friends. You are loved.

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