Monday, November 1, 2021




Yep. Now it makes sense why Lewis quite often frowned when he walked. He was hurting in all the right places: his knees, his back, his neck, his feet and hands. When we work hard, we build up a lot of places that get tough. But sometimes the tough is only in our minds, and the body lets us know just how tender we really are. After his neck bones were fused together, he swore that yours truly looked for every bump and dip in the road. Now it makes sense. Every turn requires different muscles to hold us up and brace us. And walking is oh, so lovely! Guess Granddad Pollard was right: keep moving or lose the ability to do anything at all.


Went to Lowe’s and got a five-gallon bucket with a lid. Did you know that they charge for both pieces? Rolling my eyes here! Found another No Trespassing sign to hang on Patty’s fence near the gate. Got it hung, but it is not as straight as it should be, but my patience and back muscles ran out about the same time. Oh, and two flowers managed to get into my buggy: a cyclamen and a violet. Just needed to see something green and pretty in the house. Dogs are lovely, but they tend to need more attention than flowers.


Stopped at Aldi’s and picked up two heads of cabbage—one for me and one for the hens. Oh! Did you know that Aldi’s delivers? Had no idea that was even a possibility, but did not ask about it since the sign was on the way OUT of the store rather than on the way in. Anyway, got some cauliflower dip with roasted chili and pepper jack. Mighty tasty! The main reason for stopping was the sour cream and cabbage, but also got a head of cauliflower. That is one of my favorite veggies. Good either cooked or raw. Think Jennifer’s husband Gary can’t stand the smell of any of those veggies—cabbage, turnips, cauliflower. Come to think of it, not sure he even eats veggies!! Know that French fries are just about the only vegetable that Grayson eats. These kids!


Got the fuzzy, fluffy blanket yesterday and washed it. A nap under velour and fluff is just as good as cuddling with a kitty cat. Although, Sylvia thinks she is supposed to “cuddle” in her own way. She came into the bedroom yesterday, jumped up on the bed, circled once, and then FLOPPED down on me. It didn’t exactly hurt, but it about knocked the breath out of me. Made her move and scolded her. Think it hurt her feelings, but such is life.


Got some expensive chews for Thompson for his hips and joints. He ate them, but it was after the discussion. It only calls for three, so that was not too bad. Oh well. If it helps him, that is what matters. Poor old man. It is easy to see how long he has run that fence because of the path in the grass during the summer, but right now he acts like it is just too much trouble unless something really “mean” needs to be chased down the road. Don’t we wish they could live longer and stay strong and healthy. Sigh


Took a couple of pills a few minutes ago and plan on a nap shortly if not sooner. Even thirty minutes makes a difference sometimes when trying to get relaxed. Remember those naps your parents wanted you to take as a child? Well, Mom would not have even a tiny bit of trouble getting me to lie down and snooze these days! So far, at least, my sleep is restricted to the bed and not my easy chair. Remembering my mother-in-law and how she could fall asleep just about anywhere! But she was a LOT older than yours truly. Don’t remember my grandparents doing that, but maybe it was just not something we saw.


Tried to light the pilot light on my little gas wall heater this morning since it is supposed to start getting a bit colder. Could not get the silly thing to light. Finally got out my Phillips screwdriver and removed the front cover, used the long lighter to hold a heat to the filament for the pilot, and turned the gas on. It finally lit, and after going out three or four times, it stayed lit. Just going to hope that it has no more problems. Looked at Lowe’s at the heaters like this one. All of them were $200 or $400! Guess it could be worse, but would have to get someone to install it. Patty helped me remember the name of the plumbers we used before, so it is written down and available in case it is necessary. All things considered, this heater has done a lot of heavy-duty work. It has been on that wall for at least 15 years! The other two have gone to the landfill, but this one was the largest and the best heater. Ah, things do wear out—like people.


Other than going down to get Patty’s trash bin, my day is pretty easy from now until time to put the hens up. Going to push the Wyandottes through the little door from the middle house into the front house and leave the Marans alone for the time being. Just don’t feel like messing with them. Eventually they can be trained to go to the middle coop or even the smaller coop. When it gets cold, maybe they will make up their own minds. The front coop will be the only one heated or with heated water.


Looked out in the front yard to see a huge Blue Jay out there putting something in the flower bed. Almost bet he was hiding a pecan! Squirrels and Blue Jays plant so many nut trees! But then, they can also destroy or eat a crop of pecans all by themselves! The folks who own the Pecan Sheds here in WF and one in Henrietta lost about 500 trees to a storm last year, but no one ever talks about how much of a crop is lost to the varmints. One man in the Reid family used to have a “cannon” thing that shot noises into his orchard to stop the birds and critters from eating all the pecans. Not sure how well it worked, but if it saved half a tree’s worth of nuts, that is a small fortune.


Have Bluebonnet seeds sprouted and the plants coming up. Unless it suddenly freezes, the place is going to be covered in Bluebonnets this spring! Miss the zinnias and poppies, but Bluebonnets are pretty special. Still have ONE package of Hollyhock seeds that no one claimed. Hmm. Maybe they would come up out back.


Getting tired. Will remind you that our prayers matter. No matter what else you may believe or not believe in whatever you hear or see in this world, there is ONE you can always believe. You may not see God; you may not hear God, but His promises are always true.


Rest and be happy. You are loved.

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